Marketing & Events Committee Meeting
Minutes of the Members of the Marketing and Events Committee 12th June 2023
In attendance: Cllr Clair Chapman, Cllr Martin Edwards, Cllr Sally Graham, Cllr Stuart Mackay, Cllr Toni Mortimer
1. |
2. | To receive apologies for absence
Cllr Faseyi, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr Straine-Francis, Cllr Wye |
3. | To note declarations of Members’ interests
Cllr Stuart Mackay declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7 update of the business delivery plan. |
4. | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 13th March 2023.
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting. |
5. | Public Participation | ||
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.
There were no questions or comments from the public. |
6. |
To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee.
The year-to-date financial position was noted by members. |
7. | To receive an update relating to progress towards the business delivery plan as it relates to this committee.
Members noted the update of the business delivery plan. |
8. | To receive an update on Operation Summer planning progress.
Members noted the update on Operation Summer. |
9. | To review request to support Pride 2023 event
RESOLVED: That the financial support for Pride 2023 event of £1424 funding is approved. |
10. | To receive an update on The Knife Angel
Members noted the update on the knife angel. RESOLVED: i. Members approved further work being done towards bringing the Anti-Violence Bee to Crewe in May 2024 subject to consideration by Council. ii. Members directed that more work is done towards creating an art installation for 2025 ready for consideration at next meeting of committee |
11. | To discuss and consider strategic events funding allocations
Members requested that Crewe Alex football Club are approached about hosting events at the football stadium. RESOLVED: i. That £6,500 is approved for evaluation of the summer events and activities to be allocated from the Strategic Events budget relating to activities from May 2023 – September 2023. ii. That officers are directed to provide an options appraisal for a potential music event to take place in summer 2024. |
12. | Social media and communications
Members noted the social media and communications update for March and April. Members would like to see statistics on the number of social media posts going out each month in future reports. |
13. | To review website upgrade report
RESOLVED: To upgrade the website to assist with ongoing maintenance and sustainability to the value of £2,000 |
14. | Member items
None |
15. | To note the proposed date of the next meeting is Monday 11th September at 6:00pm.
Members noted the date and time of the next meeting.
Meeting closed at 7.20pm Chair: Cllr Martin Edwards Clerk: R Mason |
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