Marketing & Events Committee Meeting

Minutes of the Members of the Marketing and Events Committee 19th March 2024

In attendance: Cllr Edwards, , Cllr Graham, Cllr Mackay, Cllr Straine-Francis

ME/23/5/1. To receive apologies for absenceCllr Faseyi, Cllr Mortimer, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr Wye, Cllr Chapman
ME/23/5/2. To note declarations of Members’ interestsNone
ME/23/5/3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Tuesday 30th January 2024.
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
ME/23/5/4. Public ParticipationA period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.None
ME/23/5/5. To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee.The year-to-date financial position was noted by members.
ME/23/5/6. To receive an update relating to progress towards the business delivery plan as it relates to this Committee.
i.              That members noted the projects delivered during this financial yearii.            That members approve an allocation of £2000 of 23/24 strategic events budget to setting up a “park and ride” services for the day Crewe Krazy Races where attendees are encouraged to park at the new multistorey car park where they can either catch a bus from to the event or walk to the event.iii.           That members approve more work being done to explore more public art installations being brought to Crewe.
ME/23/5/7. Draft Marketing and Events Committee Business Delivery Plan for 2024/2025.
RESOLVED: That the committee Business Delivery Plan is approved and recommended to council for inclusion in the corporate Business Delivery Plan for 2024/25
ME/23/5/8. Social media and Communications update
Members noted the update on social media and communications.
ME/23/5/9. To receive an update on the revised public realm Christmas lighting design mock ups.
  RESOLVED: That members noted the update on the revised public realm Christmas lighting design and approved the designs submitted by the Christmas lighting supplier.
ME/23/5/10. To note the proposed date of the next meeting Wednesday 22nd May at 6:00pm.Members noted the date and time of the next meeting.


Meeting closed at 6:40pm

Chair: Cllr Martin Edwards

Clerk: R Mason

Meeting documents

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