Marketing and Events
Minutes meeting of 24th May 2021
In attendance: Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Joe Cosby and Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
ME/21/1/1 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr Phoenix Morrissey and Cllr Jamie Messent
ME/21/1/2 To elect the Chair and Deputy Chair
i. That Cllr Joe Cosby is elected Chair of the committee
ii. That Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis is elected Deputy Chair of the committee
ME/21/1/3 To note declarations of Members’ interests
ME/21/1/4 Public Participation
None present and no comments or questions received
ME/21/1/5 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 15th March 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
ME/21/1/6 To receive an update on the Market Hall from Christopher McCaughran (MAM Events and Animation Manager)
Mr McCaughran was unable to attend
ME/21/1/7 To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee
ME/21/1/8 To receive an update with regards to the Crewe Place Brand delivery plan
The report was noted
RESOLVED: That £2,000 from the Place Brand budget was approved for the identified spend to support the implementation of the place brand
ME/21/1/9 To consider to support the Football Tournaments event organised by Crewe FC with 1 free parking day
RESOLVED: That n.1 free car park day is allocated to support the event as per Crewe FC proposal (subject to Cheshire East confirmation of the n.4 car parking days for 2021), but to request from CEC that the free car park option cover all eligible car parks in town. In the understanding that Crewe FC will be responsible for marshalling the parking, display any notices and signage
ME/21/1/10 To receive an update with regard to Lumen 2021
The report and update was noted. Members expressed interest in delivering an extended event with more features (subject to safety and public health considerations) to help support the town following the challenging time faced during the pandemic
ME/21/1/11 To consider proposals for the delivery of n.5 Community events in Crewe
RESOLVED: That The Cat Radio is appointed for delivery of the events
ME/21/1/12 To receive and consider an update with regard to the Summer SpareParts event
Members discussed in detail the considerations for public health and the safety of the proposals.
RESOLVED: That Spare Parts is engaged to discuss alternative options and delivery, with delegation to the Chair for approval of the final proposals
ME/21/1/13 To receive and consider an update with regards to the Crewe Town Council rebranding project
i. That the third option for the Lumen Festival is approved subject to the following changes:
a. “Lumen” is moved to above the symbol
b. “Crewe Town Council’s Festival of Light” is displayed below the symbol across 2 lines
ii. That the third option for the Traction Festival is approved subject to the following amendments:
a. “Traction” is moved to above the symbol
b. “Crewe Town Council’s Festival of Movement” is displayed below the symbol across 2 lines
ME/21/1/14 To note the date of the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting: Monday 19th July 2021. Location and/or the format of the meeting as yet to be confirmed, based on the guidance and regulations at that time.
Meeting Closed at 7:48pm
Chair Cllr Joe Cosby
Clerk P Turner
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