Marketing and Events Committee
In attendance: Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Phoenix Morrissey, Cllr Joe Cosby, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis and Cllr Ben Wye
ME/19/7/1 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr Jill Rhodes and Cllr Marilyn Houston
ME/19/7/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
Cllr Straine Francis declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9 as a member of the Royal British Legion
ME/19/7/3 Public Participation
None present and no comments or questions received
ME/19/7/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 24th May 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
ME/19/7/5 To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee
The Report was noted.
ME/19/7/6 To receive an update with regards to the Crewe Place Brand delivery plan
The report was noted.
ME/19/7/7 To receive an update with regard to Lumen 2021
The report was noted: Await the programme proposals from Blackpool Illuminations (Sept 2021), to be sent to Cllrs for approval.
i. To agree the most appropriate option for the Christmas Light Switch On Event 2021
RESOLVED: Option three is approved, to progress to programming and full costings.
ii. To agree the development of a Lumen Festival of Lights Development Programme and the associated budgeted spend of £12,000 ( To be recommended to council for approval)
RESOLVED: Approved to move forward with a Lumen Development Programme.
iii. To approve a ‘Christmas in Crewe’ What’s on Guide
RESOLVED: Approved to move forward and work with partners to develop the ‘Christmas in Crewe’ What’s on Guide and the associated budgeted spend of £2,500.
iv. To approve a Community Participatory Programme as part of the Christmas 2021 activity
RESOLVED: Approved to move forward to develop a programme of community focused Christmas activity and the associated budgeted spend of £10,000.
v. To agree to officer identifying and initiating discussions with Crewe Town stakeholders and other interested parties who could develop collaborative activity for Lumen Festival of Lights and Christmas activity.
RESOLVED: Approved to develop collaborative activity across the Lumen / Christmas programme, budget requirement to be informed at the next committee meeting.
ME/19/7/8 To receive and consider an update with regard to Spareparts Festival 2021
The report was noted. Event paperwork submitted to Cheshire East Council for a ‘yes in principle’, with event communications going out over the next week.
ME/19/7/9 To receive a verbal update regarding an event to commemorate VJ day.
The verbal update was noted; Cllrs updated on the VJ day service taking place in Queens Park on the 15th August 2021.
ME/19/07/10 To consider the budget setting process for 2022/2023 financial year.
The report and update was noted; Cllrs updated on budget proposals for 2022/ 2023, to continue conversation in the next committee meeting.
ME/19/07/11 To note the date of the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting: Monday 20th September 2021. Location and/or the format of the meeting as yet to be confirmed, based on the guidance and regulations at that time.
Meeting Closed at 8:20pm
Chair Cllr Joe Cosby
Clerk R Rhodes
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