Marketing and Events Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 8th September 2020
This meeting took place on the Zoom platform due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The meeting was live-streamed on You Tube.
Present Councillors J. Cosby, Dunlop, Faddes, Jill Rhodes and Straine-Francis
In attendance: Simona Garnero (Marketing and Events Officer), Edwina Rigby (Events Officer), Pete Turner (Town Clerk)
20/02/01 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Morrissey
20/02/02 To note declarations of Members’ interests
Cllr Straine-Francis declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9
Cllr Cosby declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 10
20/02/03 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
Adam Knight from Crewe Lyceum Theatre briefed Members with regards to a project supported by Art Council of England that will bring a virtual reality performance led by theatre company ThickSkin to Crewe. Mr Knight asked Members to match fund the project with £500.
Members noted the update.
20/02/04 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Tuesday 14th July 2020
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting are approved and signed as an accurate record.
20/02/05 To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members on the YTD financial position of the Committee.
Members noted the update.
20/02/06 To receive and consider an update with regards to Lumen 2020 and the overall Lumen Programme
To consider to recommend to Full Council to spend up to £13,500 from the Lumen budget (cost centre 352 4274) and the Infrastructure (Christmas) budget (cost centre 352 4275 ) to support the production of the Lumen event as detailed in the circulated report
To consider to approve the submission of a grant application to Arts Council England for the Lumen Light Lab training programme and to consider to match fund the project if the grant application to ACE is unsuccessful
To consider to delegate the Town Clerk to sign on behalf of the Council any licence or lease documents necessary for access to vacant units in the town centre for the purposes of Lumen
To confirm that within the new format of Lumen 2020 there will be no light switch on ‘moment’, due to the current Covid-19 regulations, and that this position will not change, even if the regulations are relaxed.
The Events Officer briefed Members with regards to the overall Lumen Programme.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved to recommend to Full Council to release up to £13,500 from the Lumen budget (cost centre 352/4274) and the Infrastructure (Christmas) budget (cost centre 352/4275), to support the production of the Lumen event as detailed in the circulated report.
Members resolved to support the submission of a grant application to Arts Council England for the Lumen Light Lab training programme. Members also resolved to match fund the project if the grant application to ACE is unsuccessful with up to £10,000 from the Event Matching Fund budget (cost centre 350/4271).
Members resolved to delegate the Town Clerk to sign on behalf of the Council any licence or lease documents necessary for access to vacant units in the town centre for the purposes of Lumen.
Members noted and agreed that within the new format of Lumen 2020 there will be no light switch on ‘moment’, due to the current Covid-19 regulations, and that this position will not change, even if the regulations are relaxed.
20/02/07 To consider a proposal from Blitz Fireworks to redeploy 290 meters of icicle lights and 4 Christmas motifs (Over-Roads) to new locations in the town centre
The Events Officer updated Members with regards to the proposal from Blitz Fireworks.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved to not proceed with the Blitz Fireworks proposal as it stands.
However, Members agreed that if the cost (£3,165) to redeploy icicle lights and Christmas motifs is absorbed in the current contract with Blitz Fireworks, then they will proceed with the proposal as detailed in Appendix 1 of the Report circulated.
20/02/08 To receive an update from the Events Officer with regards to trAction 2021
The Events Officer updated Members on trAction.
Members noted the update.
20/02/09 To receive and consider an update from the Events Officer on Remembrance Service 2020
The Events Officer updated Members with regards to the Crewe Remembrance Service 2020.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved to approve the new format of the event.
Members resolved to approve the budget spend on items not usually required such as the screen and more lamp post poppies, in the understanding that all costs would be within the approved budget spend.
20/02/10 To receive an update from the Events Officer with regards to the Creative Hub Proposal and any related financial implication for the Council to better support community events in this area
The Events Officer briefed Members on the Creative Hub Proposal.
Members noted the update.
Members agreed to proceed to item 12 of the agenda
20/02/11 To consider a proposal from the Town Clerk to spend up to £10,000 from the Social Media and PR support budget (code 460 4325) for the procurement of the appropriate professional to support the CTC marketing activity
The Town Clerk updated Members on the item.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved to approve the spend up to £10,000 from the Social Media and PR support budget (code 460 4325), subject to procurement within the Financial Regulations of the council, for the procurement of the appropriate professional to support CTC marketing activity.
20/02/12 To consider a proposal to review the T&C for the Square Booking service
The Events Officer updated Members with regards to the proposal to review the T&C for the Square Booking Service.
Members resolved to defer the matter for further consideration to a future meeting.
20/02/13 To receive an update from the Marketing and Events Officer with regards to the Crewe Place Brand project and consider an onward recommendation to the Full Council to endorse the Crewe Place Brand narrative framework and visual identity and approve the suggested plan for the Place Brand ownership, management and dissemination as detailed in the report attached.
To consider to recommend the appointment of the Marketing and Events Officer as a responsible officer for the project, to overview and manage the activities undertaken by the Council to support the Brand ownership, management and dissemination.
To consider to recommend the Full Council to approve the spent of the Place Branding budget (code 460-4276), subject to procurement within the Financial Regulations of the council, up to £17,000 to support the activities undertaken by the Council to disseminate and manage the Crewe Place Brand.
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members with regards to the Crewe Place Brand Project.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved to recommend that the Full Council adopt the Crewe Place Brand narrative framework and filter and approve the proposed plan for the Place Brand ownership, management and dissemination. Further consideration will be needed for the adoption of the visual identity.
Members resolved to recommend the Full Council to release the Place Branding budget (cost centre 460/4276), up to £17,000 to support the activities undertaken by the Council to disseminate and manage the Crewe Place Brand. The release of the budget is subject to the submission of an appraisal report to be discuss on the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting.
Members resolved to recommend that the Council appoints the Marketing and Events Officer as a responsible officer for the project, to overview and manage the activities undertaken by the Council to support the Brand ownership, management and dissemination.
20/02/14 To consider matters related to the draft budget for the Marketing and Events Committee for the forthcoming financial year 2021 / 2022
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members with regards to the DRAFT budget for the Marketing and Events Committee 2021/22.
Members noted the update.
Members requested the DRAFT budget to be amended as follows:
– 350/4270 trAction’s budget to be reduced to £0
– to add the “Crewe Cultural Hub” cost centre under 350 Events budget and to allocate towards this cost centre £10,000
Members resolved to EMR this year trAction budget (350/4270) to support the delivery of the event in Summer 2021.
Members requested the Marketing and Events Officer to draft a Place Brand dissemination action plan to better review and consider the draft Place Brand budget (460/4276) for 2021/22.
20/02/15 To consider the opportunity to host the start of the Stage 5 of the Tour of Britain 2021
The Town Clerk updated Members with regards to the proposal to host the start of the Stage 5 of the Tour of Britain 2021 and its financial implications.
Members noted the update.
Members resolved not to pursue the opportunity to host the start of the Stage 5 of the Tour of Britain 2021.
20/02/16 To consider a funding request of £500 from Crewe Lyceum to support bringing a virtual reality performance to Crewe by theatre company ThickSkin
Members resolved to allocate £500 from the Events Matching Fund budget (cost centre 350/4271) to match fund the ACE grant and support the delivery of the virtual reality performance led by the theatre company ThickSkin.
20/02/17 To note the date of the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting: Tuesday 10th November 2020
Members noted the update.
The meeting closed at 9.13pm
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