Marketing and Events Committee

MINUTES of the meeting 20th June 2022

In attendance :          

Cllr Joe Cosby

Cllr Tom Dunlop

Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Jill Rhodes




To elect the Chair of the Marketing and Events Committee.

RESOLVED: Cllr Joe Cosby is elected Chair of the Marketing and Events Committee.



To elect a Deputy Chair of the Marketing and Events Committee.

RESOLVED: Cllr Martin Edwards is elected Deputy Chair of the Marketing and Events Committee.



To consider the co-option of Cllr Clark onto the Marketing and Events Committee.

RESOLVED: Cllr Clark co-opted onto the Marketing and Events Committee.



To receive apologies for absence

Cllr Marilyn Houston



To note declarations of Members’ interests.

No Member interests declared.



Public Participation

No Public Participation.



To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Monday 14th March 2022.

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.



To consider and inform the Marketing & Events Committee Business Delivery Plan for 2022/23 update.

Update noted



To provide an update on Operation Summer!

Update noted

Action: To develop a Communications Plan for Operation Summer! including partner activity across Crewe.



To provide an update on the Monster Trail proposal.

Update noted

Action: To have further conversations with Designed in Air to establish availability across 2023.



To consider a free parking allocation for Crewe Town Football Club

RESOLVED: Recommendation for Crewe Town FC to discuss directly with Cheshire East Council.



Member Items

Consideration to support the delivery of the ‘Switch off Ignition’ campaign at all schools within the Crewe Town Council Boundary. (17 in total).

RESOLVED: To move the proposed initiative to either the Community Plan Committee for further investigation.



Regarding Item 14.

It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies ( Admission to meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of item 14 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

RESOLVED: Under Section 1 of the Public Bodies ( Admission to meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of item 14 on the grounds that matter contains sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.



To consider the onward delivery of council communications

RESOLVED: To recommend to Full Council that the role of Communications Officer (currently a 1 year contract) is  made permanent within the council staffing structure.



To note the date of the next Marketing and Events Committee Meeting Monday 5th September 2022 at 7pm.

Meeting Closed 8.29pm.


Chair Cllr Joe Cosby

Clerk R Rhodes



Meeting documents

M&E Agenda Pack

View Document
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