Marketing and Events Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th March 2021
This meeting took place on the Zoom platform due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The meeting was live-streamed on You Tube.
In attendance Councillors Cosby, Dunlop, Faddes, Houston, Messent, Morrissey Jill Rhodes, Straine-Francis
20/05/01 To receive apologies for absence
No apologies were received.
20/05/02 To note declarations of Members’ interests
No declarations of interest were raised.
20/05/03 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments
There were no questions or statements made.
20/05/04 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Marketing and Events Committee meeting held on Tuesday 26th January 2021
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the previous meeting are approved and signed as an accurate record.
20/05/05 To receive an update on the Market Hall from the Events and Animation Manager Crewe Market (Christopher McCaughran)
Due to family circumstances the Events and Animation Manager at Crewe Market couldn’t attend the meeting.
20/05/06 To review the year to date financial position for the Marketing and Events Committee
The Marketing and Events Officer briefed Members with regards to the Marketing and Events Committee financial position.
Members noted the update.
20/05/07 To receive and consider the draft Marketing and Events Committee delivery plan 2021/22
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members with regards to the draft Marketing and Events Committee delivery plan 2021/22.
Members noted the update and thanks the Officer for the report.
RESOLVED: that the delivery of projects and events as detailed in the delivery plan is approved and recommended to Council within the approved budget.
20/05/08 To receive and consider proposals for a new Crewe Town Council logo and website
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members on the items.
Members noted the update.
RESOLVED: that the logo proof n.2 is chosen and recommended to Council for adoption.
20/05/09 To receive and consider an update on SpareParts Summer event and to consider to delegate the Clerk to sign the agreement with SpareParts
The Marketing and Events Officer updated Members with regards to the SpareParts event.
Members noted the update.
RESOLVED: that the delivery of the SpareParts event as detailed in the circulated Report is approved. And that the Clerk is authorised to sign the agreement with SpareParts.
20/05/10 To receive an update with regards to Lumen 2021
The Marketing and Events Officer briefed Members with regard to the item.
Members noted the update.
20/05/11 To receive and consider the a delivery plan to implement the Crewe Place brand project
The Marketing and Events Officer briefed Members with regard to the draft delivery plan to implement the Crewe Place Brand Project.
Members noted the update.
RESOLVED: that the Place Brand Delivery plan is approved and recommended to Partners for consideration and approval.
20/05/12 To consider the dates of the next Marketing and Events Committee meetings:
• Monday 24th May 2021
• Monday 19th July 2021
• Monday 20th September 2021
• Monday 1st November 2021
• Monday 31st January 2022
• Monday 18th March 2022
Members noted the update.
Meeting closed at 19:39hrs
Chair: Cllr Cosby
Clerk: S Garnero
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