Town Council Meeting



Meeting of Crewe Town Council, 28th September 2021, 7pm, Salvation Army Hall, Crewe


In attendance: Cllr Emma Angier            Cllr Tess Buckley              Cllr Joe Cosby                Cllr Tom Dunlop

Cllr Hazel Faddes             Cllr Lena Hogben             Cllr Marilyn Houston           Cllr Benn Minshall

Cllr Jill Rhodes                  Cllr Nan Walton               Cllr Ben Wye




CTC/21/3/1. To receive and consider apologies for absence


–          Cllrs Coiley, Messent, Morrisey, Palin, John Rhodes and Straine-Francis

CTC/21/3/2. To note declarations of Members’ interests


–          None

CTC/21/3/3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 29th June 2021


RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CTC/21/3/4. Public Participation


4.1 The council was asked to consider supporting the White Ribbon campaign, seeking to end violence against women.

Members discussed the request and voiced support for the principle.

RESOLVED: That the officers present the Community Plan Committee with a report for consideration of means to progress this work


4.2 The council received a written communication relating to a member of the public’s experience when visiting Crewe

Members expressed support for the comments and sentiments expressed in the letter and reflected the work being progressed to improve public realm maintenance as well as potentially introducing more public realm furniture (benches).

  4.3 The council was asked how building mural might be progressed in Crewe

Members expressed support for the suggestion

RESOLVED: That the Marketing & Events Committee will progress consideration of how murals can be introduced to the town centre


  4.4 The council was prompted to consider a response to COP26 (Climate Summit)

Members noted the comments



CTC/21/3/5. To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous                             Crewe Town Council meeting on 29th June 2021:-


a.      Committee: Finance and Governance

Meeting held: 14th September 2021;

RESOLVED: To adopt the Co-option Policy as recommended by the Finance and Governance Committee

RESOLVED: To schedule a meeting of Council for Tuesday 9th November for the purposes of co-option

RESOLVED: that payments can be made by BACS, CHAPS or Standing Order for the next two years as per the Councils Financial Regulations

RESOLVED: To approve the governance documents reviewed as part of the ongoing rolling process for governance resilience.

RESOLVED: To confirm the decision of the committee to progress an application for City Status within the Platinum Jubilee Honours.


b.      Committee: Operations and Improvement

Meetings held: 21st July 2021


RESOLVED: To adopt the draft Parks & Open Spaces Strategy


c.       Committee: Marketing and Events

Meetings held: 19th July 2021

Items for consideration: None


d.      Committee: Planning

Meetings held: 22nd June 2021

Items for consideration: None


e.      Committee: Community Plan

Meetings held: 12th July 2021


RESOLVED: That Crewe Town Council supports the campaign to achieve Fairtrade status for Crewe as detailed in the Fairtrade Foundation Fairtrade Towns Initiative


f.     Committee: Personnel

Meetings held: 7th September 2021

Cllr Jill Rhodes firstly expressed thanks for Hannah Marr’s work over the years, particularly during difficult times for the town and council, who recently left Crewe Town Council for a new role

RESOLVED: That the amended structure (of Community & Funding Officer (interim), Finance Officer and deletion of Engagement and Finance Manager post) is recommended to council for adoption and the associated actions put in place once ratified.



CTC/21/3/6. To note any updates from members having attended external meetings


Cllr Cosby – Attended meetings with the Railway Cottages and expressed concern at support not received from Cheshire East Highways in relation to planned grant application(s) associated with the ongoing work on these heritage buildings and shared spaces.


Cllr Jill Rhodes – Attended the Crewe Town Board, which is progressing decisions associated with the Town Investment Plan funding offered to Crewe of £22.9million. Decisions related to the projects to be delivered will be made at the start of October


Cllrs Cosby, Faddes and Wye attended the HS2 community engagement meeting at the Mornflake Stadium. Cllr Wye recommended that Crewe Town Councillor questions are collated and presented to HS2 representatives at a one to one meeting in October.

CTC/21/3/7. To note, consider and approve payments (1/5/21 to 31/8/21) to the value of £60,159.69 and spend to date as shown in the provided reports


RESOLVED: That the spend of £60,159.69 is approved


CTC/21/3/8. As recommended by the Finance and Governance Committee, that the conclusion of External Audit is approved
  RESOLVED: That the conclusion of the Crewe Town Council External Audit for 2020/21 is approved
CTC/21/3/9. Consideration of items falling due from the Marketing & Events Committee


9.1 To seek consideration from members to move forward with the development of a Crewe Town Council (draft) Communications Strategy and (draft) Communications Action Plan


RESOLVED: That the draft strategy and communications action plan is approved.


9.2 To seek consideration from members to move forward with a proposal to establish a Crewe Community Programming Group. To submit a funding application to the National Lottery Community Fund to support the programme of work – £10,000


RESOLVED: That the national lottery funding application is approved.


9.3 To consider the programme for Lumen art trail 2021 and any associated increase in provision


RESOLVED: That the Lumen art trail provision and associated additional reserve spend of £30,000 is approved.


9.4 To consider the programme for Christmas activity 2021 and any associated costs


RESOLVED: That the Christmas activity for 2021 and associated additional reserve spend of £22,000 is approved, subject to public health approval of the activities.







To note progress on the budget setting process for 2022/23.




To note the date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council as Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 7pm. Location and meeting format to be confirmed subject to Covid-19 restrictions and considerations at that time.


Meeting closed at: 7.49pm


Chair                Cllr Tom Dunlop

Clerk                 P Turner

Meeting documents

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