Full Council Committee Meeting
17th September 2024
To: Members of Crewe Town Council
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to attend the meeting of Full Council to be held at 6:00pm on 24th September 2024. The meeting will be held at the Crewe Town Council offices, 1 Chantry Court, Crewe, CW1 2DL.
In the interests of maintaining safety, adherence to guidance and to facilitate appropriate public access, the meeting will be recorded and shared on the Crewe Town Council youtube.com channel.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Turner
Town Clerk
The meeting may be opened with an update from the Mayor on their civic engagements.
1 | To receive apologies for absence and note non-attendance | ||
2 | To note declarations of members’ interests | ||
3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 11th June 2024 | ||
4 | Public Participation | ||
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items. Any member of the public wishing to participate should email [email protected] by 2.00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, providing their name, email address and an indication of the agenda item relating to their question or comment. Alternatively, your comments or questions can be submitted in advance and read to the committee at the meeting by the clerk.
Attendance at the meeting in person is permitted, but space is limited. Please feel free to contact the office to discuss this in more detail if you would like to. |
5. | To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 26th September 2023:-
a. Committee: Finance and Governance Chair: Cllr Jill Rhodes Meeting held: 10th September 2024 [minutes circulated] Items for consideration: i. That the reviewed governance documents (Business Continuity Plan; Cookie Policy; Procurement Policy; Volunteer Poli; Website Privacy Policy) are recommended for adoption. ii. That the reviewed and amended Medium Term Financial Plan is recommended for adoption.
b. Committee: Public Services Chair: Cllr Stuart Mackay Meetings held: 3rd September 2024 [minutes circulated] Items for consideration: [NOTE: due to the release of the Cheshire East Household Waste Collections consultation (item 10 on this agenda), these items may be deferred in light of the associated new information] i. In recognition of the aims of Crewe Town Council and need to effect positive change, to proceed with developing a Waste Officer role without awaiting any further commitment or information from Cheshire East Council. ii. That progression with the role development is subject to the impact of changes discussed such as the integration of Ansa into Cheshire East Council. iii. That the decision to proceed is subject to clarification that delivery relationships are guaranteed during and following the transition from Ansa to Cheshire East Council responsibilities iv. That the committee will keep the matter under review.
c. Committee: Events & Culture Chair: Cllr Martin Edwards Meetings held: 17th July 2024 [minutes circulated] Items for consideration: i. Members recommend to council an allocation of £20,000 of reserves to commission a mural on the side of the town council building. T d. Committee: Planning & Environment Chair: Cllr John Rhodes Meetings held: 24th June, 15th July and 16th September 2024 [minutes circulated] Items for consideration: None
e. Committee: Community Chair: Cllr Alan Coiley Meetings held: 16th July 2024 [minutes circulated] Items for consideration: i. That a virement from unspent Wellbeing budget line to Remembrance budget line of £2,500 is recommended to council
f. Sub-Committee: Personnel Chair: Cllr Jill Rhodes Meetings held: 10th September [minutes circulated] i. That the amended staffing structure is approved for recommendation to council |
6. | To note any updates from members having attended external meetings | ||
7. | To Consider and approve payments to date between 01/05/2024 and 31/07/2024 To the value of £196,618.17, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee. | ||
8. | To note the spend to date (to 31st July 2024) financial material variance report as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee | ||
9. | To receive the recommendations from the Finance & Governance Committee relating to the draft 2025/26 council budget
i. That it is recommended to council to set a balanced budget that fulfils the council’s ambitions and corporate strategy. ii. That it is recommended to council that committees are directed to show restraint and identify potential reductions in overall budget inflation to reduce the potential impact of precept level on residents iii. That it is recommended to council that the Play Areas Improvement budget line is reduced in light of the council’s investment in play area maintenance as well as the capital investment from the town council and town investment plan across the town’s play areas and will in future provide for an Ear Marked Reserve for repairs and replacements as they occur.. iv. That it is recommended that the Cleaner Crewe Budget is drafted to support the principle of a project officer v. That it is recommended to council that the Lyceum Square budget line is amended to allow for broader delivery of events and culture in Crewe town centre. |
10. | To consider the council’s response to the Cheshire East Household Waste Collection consultation | ||
11. | To approve the successful conclusion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return AGAR external audit) for 2023/24, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee. | ||
12. | To note the date of the next meeting of Council – 3rd December 2024 | ||
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