Full Council Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 24th September 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Joy Bratherton

Cllr Dawn Clark

Cllr Irene Faseyi

Cllr Sally Graham

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Jamie Messent

Cllr Toni Mortimer

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Ben Wye

Cllr Simon Yates

CTC/24/3/1 To receive apologies for absence and note non-attendance
  Cllr James Pratt; Cllr Alan Coiley; Cllr Martin Edwards; Cllr Stuart Mackay; Cllr Marilyn Houston; Cllr Clair Chapman
CTC/24/3/2    To note declarations of members’ interests
  Cllr Dawn Clark declared an interest in Agenda Item 10 as the chair of the associated Cheshire East Council committee
CTC/24/3/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 11th June 2024
  RESOLVED:  That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
CTC/24/3/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.

Representation from 3 residents relating to the Cheshire East Council decision to sell land to the north of the town for the purposes of a Gypsy and traveller site. The residents identified that the option had previously been explored and rejected by Cheshire East due to issues with the site, such as highways safety and potential flooding. The residents also highlighted that it was unclear if Cheshire East has carried out a needs assessment and has been clear on the requirements in the borough as well as the available current and soon to be delivered provision. Additionally, it was unclear why the sale of the land had not been advertised for public disposal on the open market.


It was agreed that the clerk would write to Cheshire East to seek formal responses to the queries.

CTC/24/3/5. To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 26th September 2023:-


a.                  Committee: Finance and Governance

Minutes Noted. Meeting held: 10th September 2024


i.                    That the reviewed governance documents (Business Continuity Plan; Cookie Policy; Procurement Policy; Volunteer Policy; Website Privacy Policy) are approved for adoption.

ii.                   That the reviewed and amended Medium Term Financial Plan is approved for adoption.


b.                  Committee: Public Services

Minutes noted. Meetings held: 3rd September 2024


That the matter of consideration of the detailed form of delivery for the ongoing Cleaner Crewe Project is deferred, awaiting the outcome of Cheshire East Council’s consultation and associated decisions.


c.                   Committee: Events & Culture

Minutes noted. Meetings held: 17th July 2024


i.                    That an allocation of £20,000 of reserves to commission a mural on the side of the town council building.


d.                  Committee: Planning & Environment

Minutes noted. Meetings held: 24th June, 15th July and 16th September


e.                  Committee: Community

Minutes noted. Meetings held: 16th July 2024


i.                    That a virement from unspent Wellbeing budget line to Remembrance budget line of £2,500 is approved.


f.                    Sub-Committee: Personnel

Minutes noted. Meetings held: 10th September


i.                    That the amended staffing structure is approved

CTC/24/3/6. To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

Cllr Mortimer advised the council of a meeting with a resident (not a resident taking part in public speaking at item 4) relating to the Cheshire East land proposed for sale (see public speaking above).

Cllr John Rhodes attended the meeting of The Nantwich Road Action Group, which continues to attract good attendance and engagement.

Cllr Steve Hogben attended the Nantwich Road Action Group meeting, noting that Cllr Yates is the secretary for the group and commenting on the valuable presentations given at the meeting.

Cllr Ben Wye referenced attendance at the Heritage Open Day events, having also led guided walks for the programme.

Cllr Jill Rhodes attended the Crewe Town Board on behalf of the council, commenting on the news that the charity leading the Flag Lane Baths project had not been able to secure enough funding to deliver the project and Cheshire East Council is now pursuing other potential opportunities and uses for the site.

CTC/24/3/7. To Consider and approve payments to date between 01/05/2024 and 31/07/2024 To the value of £196,618.17, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee.

RESOLVED: That the payments to the value of £196,618.17 are approved

CTC/24/3/8. To note the spend to date (to 31st July 2024) financial material variance report as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee


CTC/24/3/9. To receive the recommendations from the Finance & Governance Committee relating to the draft  2025/26 council budget


i.                    That a balanced budget that fulfils the council’s ambitions and corporate strategy is set.

ii.                   That committees are directed to show restraint and identify potential reductions in overall budget inflation to reduce the potential impact of precept level on residents

iii.                 That the Play Areas Improvement budget line is reduced in light of the council’s investment in play area maintenance as well as the capital investment from the town council and town investment plan across the town’s play areas and will in future provide for an Ear Marked Reserve for repairs and replacements as they occur.

iv.                  That the Cleaner Crewe Budget is drafted to support the principle of a project officer

v.                    That the Lyceum Square budget line is amended to allow for broader delivery of events and culture in Crewe town centre.

CTC/24/3/10. To consider the council’s response to the Cheshire East Household Waste Collection consultation.


Members commented that it was important that residents and representatives (including councillors as individuals) engaged with the consultation. It was noted that Crewe, as a the most densely populated part of the borough would face disproportionate negative issues should three-weekly collections be instigated in the town. This should be considered by Cheshire East and what may be acceptable for more rural or less densely populated areas of the borough would have a compounding effect on the on street waste issues already faced in Crewe.


RESOLVED: That the drafted response is approved for submission

CTC/24/3/11. To approve the successful conclusion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return AGAR external audit) for 2023/24, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee.

RESOLVED: That the conclusion of annual audit (2023/24) is approved.

CTC/24/3/12. To note the date of the next meeting of Council – 3rd December 2024

Meeting closed at 6.54pm

Chair         Cllr Dawn Clark

Clerk         P Turner

Meeting documents

Crewe Town Council Meeting Pack 240924

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