Full Council Committee Meeting
MINUTES of the meeting held 11th June 2024
In attendance:
Cllr Clair Chapman
Cllr Dawn Clark
Cllr Martin Edwards
Cllr Irene Faseyi
Cllr Sally Graham
Cllr Lena Hogben
Cllr Steve Hogben
Cllr Stuart Mackay
Cllr Toni Mortimer
Cllr Kevin Murray
Cllr James Pratt
Cllr Jill Rhodes
Cllr John Rhodes
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
The Mayor gave a brief update on their civic engagements, which included attending events associated with the East Timor Community, Wishing Well, Samaritans, Circus Starr, Picnic in the Park, D-Day 80 events, YMCA Founders Day. It was also clarified that the Deputy Mayor has also attended formal engagements on behalf of the mayoralty.
CTC/24/2/1 | To receive apologies for absence | ||||
Cllrs Messent, Houston, Yates, Wye, Coiley | |||||
CTC/24/2/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests
Cllr Clark declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 5.b. as a member (and deputy chair) of the associated committee within Cheshire East Council |
CTC/24/2/3 | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 14th May 2024
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting |
CTC/24/2/4 | Public Participation | ||||
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items. | |||||
None | |||||
CTC/24/2/5. | To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 14th May 2024:-
a. Committee: Finance and Governance RESOLVED: i. That the reviewed governance documents (Document Management Policy, Environment Policy, Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy, Allotment Policy, Co-option Policy) are approved for adoption ii. That the provision of a printed regular newsletter (subject to review) is funded from general reserves in 2024/25 up to the value of £4,500
b. Committee: Public Services RESOLVED: That a Waste Management Support Officer role is developed for delivery, to be employed by Ansa on the Town Council’s behalf for a minimum contract period of three years. The role to reflect a combination of the elements outlined in option 2 and additional educational activity. The brief for the job description to be agreed by consensus of the committee prior to consideration by council, but subject to (committee receiving): A) A published report on the effectiveness of the pilot “Cleaner Crewe” project from Cheshire East Council
c. Committee: Events & Culture Chair: Cllr Martin Edwards Meetings held: 22nd May 2024 [draft minutes circulated] Items for consideration: i. The principle that Crewe Town Council takes a leading role in the operation of Lyceum Square by providing resources to take unfettered responsibility for events, cultural activities and community bookings on Lyceum Square. ii. That any operational agreement is required to demonstrate a clear and efficient operational opportunity for Crewe Town Council. iii. That Year 1 (2024/25) resources are drawn down from general reserves. iv. That onward years are included within the budget setting processes and considerations for future years, subject to detailed agreements. v. That it is delegated to the Town Clerk to progress the necessary negotiations with Cheshire East Council and to procure the delivery contractor.
d. Committee: Planning & Environment Chair: Cllr John Rhodes Meetings held: 20th May 2024 [draft minutes circulated] Items for consideration: i. That the committee recommends to council the following formal position for consideration for adoption: That, in the understanding that Cheshire East Council has been unable to secure a future purpose for the Royal Arcade land, Crewe Town Council supports the provision of a community greenspace park at the former Royal Arcade for the benefit of the community and town centre and that additional recreational and amenity facilities at the site would add value to the town centre, its regeneration and those living and working there.
e. Committee: Community Chair: Cllr Alan Coiley Meetings held: 28th May 2024 [draft minutes circulated] Items for consideration: None
f. Sub-Committee: Personnel Chair: Cllr Jill Rhodes Meetings held: None |
CTC/24/2/6. | To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
Cllr Jill Rhodes gave an update on reports received by the Crewe Town Board from Cheshire East Council relating to regeneration projects. Cllr Stuart Mackay gave an update on the work of the Crewe Heritage Trust towards gaining museum status and development of the operational practices of the site, trustee recruitment and training. |
CTC/24/2/7. | To Consider and approve payments to date between 01/04/2024 and 30/04/2024 to the value of £55,363.29, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee.
REOLVED: That the spend to the value £55,363.29 is approved |
CTC/24/2/8. | To note the spend to date and financial material variance report
The spend and material variance report was received and noted |
CTC/24/2/9. | To note the schedule for drafting the 2025/26 council budget
Noted |
CTC/24/2/10. | Member Items
(None) |
CTC/24/2/11. | To note the date of the next meeting of Council – 24th September 2024 | ||||
Meeting closed at 6.49pm
Chair Cllr Dawn Clark
Clerk P Turner
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