Full Council Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 26th March 2024


In attendance:

Cllr Joy Bratherton

Cllr Dawn Clark

Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Sally Graham

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr Marilyn Houston

Cllr Kev Murray

Cllr James Pratt

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Ben Wye


Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis, Mayor of Crewe, addressed the meeting to update members on some engagements the Mayor has attended over the past months. !8 engagements included attendance at Crewe Stroke Survivors in the Market Hall; Cheshire Young Carers Art Exhibition at St Andrew’s; and International Women’s Day at the South Cheshire College.


CTC/5/23/1. To receive and consider apologies for absence and dispensation
  Cllrs Messent, Faseyi, Coiley, Mortimer, Yates, Chapman, Mackay

RESOLVED : That Cllr Messent has 6 months’ dispensation approved

CTC/5/23/2. To note declarations of Members’ interests


CTC/5/23/3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 5th December 2023
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved a s a true record of the meeting
CTC/5/23/4. Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to items on the agenda.


CTC/5/23/5. To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 6th December 2022:-


A.                  Committee: Finance and Governance


i.                    That the following reviewed policies, within the rolling governance review, are approved for adoption:

Quality Policy; CIL Policy; Risk Management Policy; Information & Data protection Policy; Mayor’s Allowance Scheme.

ii.                   That the interim internal audit is approved

iii.                 That the Financial Regulation and Financial & Corporate Risk Assessment as reviewed and amended are approved for adoption

iv.                 That the reviewed Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) for 2024/25 are approved


B.                  Committee: Operations and Improvement


i.                    That the funding of the Successful Business Improvement District (BID) development and delivery project is not clawed back from the new Crewe BID, to be used by the BID for its ongoing delivery and development and providing recognition of Crewe Town Council as the sponsor of the BID.

ii.                   That both 2023/4 and 2024/5 Park Improvements budget (4179 320) are allocated to an improvement works scheme at Brookhouse Drive Park (Pebble Brook Park), with any residual budget to be allocated to other park improvements.

iii.                 To allocate £5000 from Budget Regeneration Projects for the ‘Keep on Keeping On’

project from Regeneration Projects to EMR pending arts council confirmation.

iv.                 The residual Public Realm funding 23/24 be allocated to EMR for decorative lighting enhancements in the town centre.

v.                   That Council contracts ANSA to provide a Play Park and Spaces Maintenance Officer

vi.                 That the officer (as referenced in v. above) is appropriately resourced with vehicle, tools and budget for repairs.

vii.               That the provision (as referenced in v. above) is contracted for 10 years

viii.             That the funding for 2024/25 contract (as referenced in v. above) is provided from general reserve (plus initial equipment from 4170 307)

ix.                 That the budget setting process for future years includes for the onward delivery and addressing any learning (as related to v. above).


C.                  Committee: Marketing and Events

Items for consideration:

None. Noted


D.                 Committee: Planning

Items for consideration:

None. Noted


E.                  Committee: Community Plan

Items for consideration:

None. Noted



F.                  Committee: Personnel (sub-committee)

Items for consideration:

None. Noted

CTC/5/23/6. To consider nominations for and approve:

i.                    Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2024/25

RESOLVED: That Cllr Dawn Clerk is appointed Mayor (elect) of Crewe, to be ratified at the Annual Meeting of Council on 14th May

ii.                   Deputy Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2024/25

RESOLVED: That Cllr Sally Graham is appointed Deputy Mayor (elect) of Crewe, to be ratified at the Annual Meeting of Council on 14th May

CTC/5/23/7. To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

Cllr Jill Rhodes provided an update from Crewe Town Board meetings commenting that the board oversees progress of delivery of projects funded by central government funding and that all projects had reported that they are progressing.

CTC/5/23/8. To note, consider and approve payments as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee from 1st November 2022 to 31st January 2023 to the value of £268,078.04 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the payments to the value £268,078.04 are approved

CTC/5/23/9. To consider and approve a Business Delivery Plan for 2024/25 as recommended by committees within the approved budget and Ear Marked Reserves for 2024/25


i.                    That the 2024/25 corporate business delivery plan and associated spend within the approved 2024/25 budget and Ear Marked Reserves is adopted and approved by Council

ii.                   That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the associated committees and council where relevant.

iii.                  That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate governance, committee or council for further development and definition for later approval.

CTC/5/23/10. To consider the council’s committee structure, associated governance and updated staffing structure.

It was commented, agreed and clarified that any references to “Public Works” in supporting documentation should be corrected to “Public Services” in context of the re-named committee and associated delivery officer.


i.                   That the committee and governance structure, having been shared for engagement and consultation, is approved for adoption as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee (implementation May 2024)

ii.                    That the amended Council and Committee Terms of Reference are approved for adoption as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee (implementation May 2024)

iii.                   That the staffing structure is approved as recommended by the Personnel Sub-Committee (implementation May 2024)

CTC/5/23/11. To approve the proposed meetings dates for the 2024/25 civic year (noting that committee meeting dates may change if required by individual committees)

RESOLVED: That the meeting calendar for 2024/25 is approved

CTC/5/23/12. To note the proposed date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council, The Annual Meeting of Council & Mayor Making, is Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 6pm At the Crewe Municipal Building  


Meeting closed at 6.33pm

Chair      Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Clerk      P Turner



Meeting documents

Full Council Agenda pack 260324

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