Full Council

MINUTES of the meeting 28th March 2023

In attendance:

Cllr Dawn Clark

Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Hazel Faddes

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Benn Minshall

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr Gary Palin

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Nan Walton

Cllr Ben Wye

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


CTC/22/5/1 To receive and consider apologies for absence
  Cllrs Emma Angier, Tess Buckley, Alan Coiley, Joe Cosby, Tom Dunlop, Marilyn Houston, Jamie Messent, Phoenix Morrissey
CTC/22/5/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests
CTC/22/5/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 6th December 2022
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
CTC/22/5/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to items on the agenda.


CTC/22/5/5 To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 6th December 2022:-


a.      Committee: Finance and Governance


i.                    That the governance documents (Council & Committee Terms of Reference; Street Naming Policy; BYOD Policy; Information & Data Protection Policy; Personal Data Complaints Policy) as reviewed are approved

ii.                   That the changes to governance documents associated with the procurement review (Standing Orders; Standing Orders for Contracts; Financial Regulations; Procurement Policy) are approved


b.      Committee: Operations and Improvement



c.       Committee: Marketing and Events


i.                    That the Events Strategy is approved as recommended by the committee


d.      Committee: Planning


i.                    That a Conservation Area Review and all associated work for delivery to fulfil planning policy is approved, drawing a total budget to final completion of £70,000


e.      Committee: Community Plan


i.                    That the updated Community Grants Policy and process is approved as recommended by the committee


f.     Committee: Personnel


i.                    That the reviewed employment governance documents (Employee Handbook; Contract of Employment) are approved

CTC/22/5/6 To consider nominations for and approve:

i.                    Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2023/24

RESOLVED: That Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis is approved as the Mayor (elect) for the civic year 2023/24

ii.                   Deputy Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2023/24

RESOLVED: That Cllr Dawn Clark is approved as the Deputy Mayor (elect) for the civic year 2023/24

CTC/22/5/7 To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

Cllr Jill Rhodes provided an update from the Crewe Town Board, clarifying that approval had been received for funding to be reassigned within the package of projects to support delivery of the remaining 9 projects within the Town Investment Plan.

CTC/22/5/8 To note, consider and approve payments as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee from 1st November 2022 to 31st January 2023 to the value of £207,325.25 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the spend of £207,325.25 is approved

CTC/22/5/9 To consider and approve a Business Delivery Plan for 2023/24 as recommended by committee within the approved budget and Ear Marked Reserves for 2023/24

RESOLVED: That the 2023/24 Business Delivery Plan and associated spend and ear marked reserves are approved

CTC/22/5/10 It is recommended that meeting considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 11 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.  
  RESOLVED: That the meeting enters closed session for the remaining agenda item  
CTC/22/5/11 To consider community shared space

RESOLVED:  That the purchase of land and associated spend is approved

CTC/22/5/12 To note the proposed date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council – The Annual Meeting of Council Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 7pm At the Crewe Municipal Building  


Meeting closed at 7.31pm


Chair – Cllr Nan Walton

Clerk – P Turner

Meeting documents

Full Council agenda pack 28 03 23

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