Full Council


MINUTES of the meeting held 6th December 2022

In attendance:

Cllr Alan Coiley

Cllr Tom Dunlop

Cllr Hazel Faddes

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Nan Walton

Cllr Ben Wye


CTC/22/4/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllrs Angier, Buckley, Clark, Cosby, Houston, Messent, Minshall, Morrisey, Palin
CTC/22/4/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
CTC/22/4/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 4th October 2022

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CTC/22/4/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
CTC/22/4/5 To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous                             Crewe Town Council meeting on 4th October:-


A.      Committee: Finance and Governance

Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes

Meeting held: 22/11/22


i.            To approve the reviewed governance documents as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee:

Training & Development Policy

Internet, email & Social Media Policy

Volunteer Policy (and supporting documentation)

Financial Risk Assessment

ii.            To approve the Risk Management Scheme and Risk Register

iii.            To approve the Interim Internal Audit


B.      Committee: Operations and Improvement

Chair: Councillor Jamie Messent

Meetings held: 31/10/22


i.                    To increase available Town Centre Lighting budget to £15,000, by utilizing up to £9000 from Public Realm Budget.


C.      Committee: Marketing and Events

Chair: Councillor Joe Cosby

Meetings held: 1/11/22

Items for consideration:



D.     Committee: Planning

Chair: Councillor John Rhodes

Meetings held: 17/10/22 & 21/11/22

Items for consideration:



E.      Committee: Community Plan

Chair: Councillor Benn Minshall

Meetings held: 14/11/22


i.                    To vire £16,000 from unallocated committee budget as identified for the purpose of a winter response fund, supporting services to those in Crewe affected by the heating and cost of living crisis

ii.                   That the refreshed Community Plan amendments are approved


F.       Committee: Personnel

Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes

Meetings Held: 6/9/22


i.                    That the updated council staffing structure is approved.

CTC/22/4/6 To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
  Cllr Jill Rhodes provided an update from the Crewe Town Board, reporting that the Town Board has resolved to remove the Lyceum Powerhouse Project from the Town Investment Plan due to inflationary pressures, and that that funding will be distributed through some of the remaining projects.

Cllr Ben Wye provided an update from the Crewe Town Board Sub-Group – Green and Blue Infrastructure, reporting that the Valley Brook Project is progressing and that there is an open consultation relating a “mini holland” proposal for the Liverpool street area of Crewe.

Cllr John Rhodes reported attendance at the Same meeting as Cllr Wye, repeating the positive progress of the group. Additionally, Cllr John Rhodes attended the Nantwich Road Action Group public meeting as well as being involved in the Crewe South Alleyways project and meetings.

Cllr Faddes reported attendance at a meeting in Macclesfield relating to service to support the homeless and the provision of resources and co-ordination of responses.

CTC/22/4/7 To note, consider and approve payments 01/9/2022 to 31/10/2022 to the value of £106,441.56 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports, as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee

RESOLVED: That the payments to the value £106,441.56 are approved and the spend to date report is noted

CTC/22/4/8 To consider the Finance & Governance Committee recommended draft council budget for 2023/24

Cllr Jill Rhodes commented that, against the inflationary pressures faced by the council, the budget required had been managed to ensure that the impact on precept requirement remained as low as practicable, noting that the final impact is an increase of 3.47%, below the target of 3.5%. This relates to a total representative annual increase on a Band D property of £2.95 and £1.64 on a Band A property for the year.

Cllr Jill Rhodes also commented that the council has resolved to provide support for those facing difficulties both in this financial year and provision for next financial year relating to the cost of living and energy crises.

RESOLVED: That the draft 2023/24 budget (v9), as recommended, is approved and adopted and will inform the final precept requirement for the 2023/24 financial year.

CTC/22/4/9 It is recommended that Council considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 10 on the grounds that matters contain personal information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

RESOLVED: That the meeting enters closed session for the purposes of agenda item 10 in recognition of the personal information contained.

CTC/22/4/10 To receive and consider the incident conclusion report

RESOLVED: That the conclusion report and its findings are received and accepted.

CTC/22/4/11 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Tuesday 28th March 2023 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 7.28pm

Chair      Cllr Nan Walton

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

Full Council pack 061222

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