Full Council

MINUTES of the meeting 4th October 2022


In attendance:             Cllr Dawn Clark           Cllr Joe Cosby              Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Tess Buckley         Cllr Jill Rhodes             Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Alan Coiley            Cllr Lena Hogben         Cllr Emma Angier

Cllr Kevin Murray        Cllr Ben Wye               Cllr Nan Walton


1 To receive apologies for absence

Cllrs Dunlop, Faddes, Houston, Messent Minshall, Morrissey, Palin, Straine-Francis

2    To note declarations of Members’ interests


3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 28th June 2022

RESOLVED: The minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
5 To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous                             Crewe Town Council meeting on 28th June 2022:-

a.      Committee: Finance and Governance

Meeting held: 13th September 2022;


i.                    That a budget is made available of up to £15,000 to deliver compliant procurement advice and resources.

ii.                   That the draft refreshed Corporate Strategy (2020-2024) is approved prior to the creation of a new corporate strategy in 2024

iii.                 That the amended Medium Term Financial Plan is approved


b.      Committee: Operations and Improvement

Meetings held: 1st August 2022


i.                    That a 3-year commitment is approved for the Ranger service with ANSA, with appropriate clauses to provide flexibility for direct delivery

ii.                   That a term of 10 years for allotment site and/or federation leases is approved

iii.                 That the provision of temporary resource for 6 months to administer and collate the necessary information and engagement with sites and plot holders is approved

iv.                 That direct service delivery should be progressed as an option through devolution of the assets and services associated with Crewe, as is seen in other towns.


c.       Committee: Marketing and Events

Meetings held: 5th September 2022

Items for consideration:



d.      Committee: Planning

Meetings held: 27th June 2022

Items for consideration:



e.      Committee: Community Plan

Meetings held: 12th September 2022

Items for consideration:



f.     Committee: Personnel Sub-Committee

Meetings Held: 6th September 2022

RESOLVED: That the updated Employee Handbook is approved as recommended by the Personnel Sub-Committee, with the amendment proposed to the section relating to disability such that the current text is replaced with:

“The Town Council is a Disability Confident Committed employer. We aim to eliminate disability discrimination in the workplace by ensuring our processes are inclusive and accessible, following our Equal Opportunities and Diversity policy, considering all requests for reasonable adjustments, and conforming with Equality Act 2010. Should you experience any issues relating to a disability or wish to discuss your health needs, please speak to your line manager and/or the Town Clerk who will deal with this appropriately and in confidence.”

6 To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
  Cllr Jill Rhodes gave a verbal report of the meetings of the Crewe Town Board, updating the council that the final project associated with the Town Investment Plan was approved by the board for submission for funding.

Cllr Ben Wye provided a verbal report with regard to the Crewe Town Board Transport, Green and Blue Infrastructure Committee, updating members that work on the Valley Brook greenway project has progressed and is being received positively.

7 To note, consider and approve payments 1st June to 31st August 2022 to the value of £113,495.96 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the spend as reported to the value of £113,495.96 is approved

8 To note the conclusion of the External Audit

The completed external audit is noted


9 Budget Setting process for 2023/24


i.                    That, in recognition of and sensitivity to the current cost of living pressures on residents and against the pressure on the council of inflation, that committees are directed to find such savings as to seek that overall budget impact is no greater than an increase of 3.5% for the draft budget 2023/24

10 Correspondence

i.                    Crewe, Virginia, USA

ii.                   Bischofsheim, Hesse, Germany

iii.                 Macon, Bergundy, France

iv.                 Dzierzoniow, Poland

The correspondence was noted and the Mayor requested that responses were drafted and sent representing the thanks of the council and residents of Crewe for their kind thoughts.

11 To receive an update report from the Local Policing Unit

The update was noted. Concerns were raised by members with regard to the perceived reduction in policing and PCSO number sin Crewe and it was hear that there had been recruitment problems as well as officers being redeployed away from Crewe.


i.                    That a letter of representation is submitted to the Cheshire East Highways and Transport Committee to the effect of expressing significant dissatisfaction with regard to the delays attributed to Cheshire East Highways in installing mobile CCTV to combat flytipping and on street waste.

ii.                   That a letter of representation is submitted to the Cheshire East Environment and Communities Committee to the effect of expressing significant dissatisfaction with regard to the delays attributed to Cheshire East Council in installing mobile CCTV to combat flytipping and on street waste.

iii.                 That the Police & Crime Commissioner is invited to speak to Council

12 To note the proposed date of the next meeting Tuesday 6th December 2022 at 7pm

Meeting closed at 7.41pm


Chair Cllr Nan Walton

Clerk P Turner








Meeting documents

Full Council Meeting Pack

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