Finance and Governance Committee Meeting
MINUTES of the meeting held 3rd June 2024
In attendance:
Cllr Steve Hogben
Cllr Kevin Murray
Cllr Jill Rhodes
Cllr John Rhodes
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
1 | To receive apologies for absence
Cllrs Messent, Clark & Mortimer |
2 | To elect the committee Deputy Chair for 2024/25
RESOLVED: That Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis is elected as deputy chair of the committee |
3 | To note declarations of Members’ interests
None |
4 | To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on 29th April 2024
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting |
5 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.
None |
5 | To review the year to date financial position and material variances for Crewe Town Council |
Noted | |
6 | To Consider and approve payments to date for recommendation to council between 01/04/2024 and 30/04/2024 To the value of £55,363.29
RESOVLED: That the payments are approved for recommendation to council |
7 | To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-
7.1 Document Management Policy 7.2 Environment Policy 7.3 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy 7.4 Allotment Policy 7.5 Co-option Policy |
RESOLVED: That the policies are approved for recommendation to council | |
8 | To provide a review of work streams of this committee in consideration of the corporate governance review and future delivery |
Noted | |
9 | To receive an information only report relating to Civic Functions
Noted |
10 | To receive an information only report relating to the website and communications
It was commented that it was important for the council to share the positivitiy associated with the services, activities, events and projects it is delivering and to seek to grow awareness of the council’s areas of work. Noted |
11 | To consider the provision of a printed newsletter
RESOLVED: That implementing a regular printed newsletter is recommended to council on the following basis: i. A print run of 10,000, circulated to community service hubs, schools, health facilities and third sector locations ii. Initially funded from general reserve with budgeting to include for delivery in future years, subject to review iii. That it should initially be sought to be delivered on a quarterly basis iv. That it initially be called the Crewe Town Council Newsletter v. That it should include a consultative aspect vi. That review and evaluation of the newsletter should be a standing item on future agendas to check value and relevance and to consider refining the delivery on an ongoing basis. vii. Content should seek to inform of what is coming up as well as what has been delivered. |
12 | To consider the schedule for drafting the 2025/26 council budget
The budget setting schedule was approved and that it should be promoted to build engagement |
13 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting 10th September at 6pm. |
Meeting closed at 7.09pm
Chair Cllr Jill Rhodes
Clerk P Turner
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