Finance and Governance Committee Meeting
MINUTES for the meeting held 19th November 2024
Cllr Dawn Clark
Cllr Steve Hogben
Cllr Toni Mortimer
Cllr Jill Rhodes
Cllr John Rhodes
Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
FG/24/3/1 | To receive apologies for absence |
Cllr Jamie Messent & Cllr Kevin Murray | |
FG/24/3/2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests |
None | |
FG/24/3/3 | To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on 10th September 2024.
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting |
FG/24/3/4 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.
None |
FG/24/3/5 | To review the year to date financial position and material variances for Crewe Town Council |
Noted | |
FG/24/3/6 | To Consider and approve payments to date for recommendation to council between 01/08/2024 and 31/10/2024 To the value of £328,386.28
RESOLVED: That the spend of £328,386.28 is approved for recommendation to council. |
FG/24/3/7 | To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-
7.1 Sexual Harassment Policy 7.2 Cookie Policy 7.3 Emergency Plan 7.4 ICT policy |
i. That the Sexual Harassment Policy is approved and recommended to council for adoption ii. That the reviews of the Cookie Policy, Emergency Plan and ICT Policy are noted and approved for recommendation to council. |
FG/24/3/8 | To receive an information only report relating to Civic Functions
Noted |
FG/24/3/9 | To receive an information only report relating to the website and communications
Noted |
FG/24/3/10 | To consider receiving an allotment site relating to the Stonely Park residential development
RESOLVED: i. That the acceptance of the land transfer for the purposes of providing allotments is recommended to council for approval. ii. That the Clerk is delegated to progress all associated work iii. That the associated spend is approved (subject to council approval of i. above) |
FG/24/3/11 | To review the Service Level Agreement with Crewe Heritage Centre |
RESOLVED: That the Service Level Agreement is approved | |
FG/24/3/12 | To consider the Heritage Centre site transfer from Cheshire East Council
i. That it is recommended to Council to approve the transfer of the land at the Crewe Heritage Centre from Cheshire East Council to Crewe Town Council ii. That the spend associated is noted and approved (subject to council approval of i. above). |
FG/24/3/13 | To consider roof maintenance of council offices
i. That it is recommended to council to appoint a local roofing contractor to re-roof the council’s offices, using general reserves |
FG/24/3/14 | To consider the draft budget and make recommendation to Council for 2025/26
RESOLVED: That, following the budget setting process, the draft 2025/26 council budget (v10) is recommended to council for approval. |
FG/24/3/15 | To note the NJC Agreement and implementation 2024/25
Noted along with the background council operational efficiency information. |
FG/24/3/16 | It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 17 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted. |
FG/24/3/17 | To consider office accommodation requirements
RESOLVED: that considerations i. ii. iii. vi and vii were agreed. |
FG/24/3/18 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting 14th January 2025. |
Meeting Closed at 7.34
Chair Cllr Jill Rhodes Clerk P Turner |
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