Finance and Governance Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 10th September 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Dawn Clark

Cllr Steve Hogben

Cllr John Rhodes

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr Jill Rhodes


1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllr Jamie Messent; Cllr Alan Coiley ; Cllr Toni Mortimer ; Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis ; Cllr Martin Edwards; Cllr Stuart Mackay
2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
  Cllr Clark declared a non-pecuniary interest in items associated with partnership funding of CEC (and its ASDVs) as chair of the related finance committee within CEC and took no part in the decisions associated.

Cllr Hogben declared a non-pecuniary interest in items associated with Library funding being related to an employee of the library service.

3 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on 3rd June 2024
  RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in relation to the published agenda items.


5 To review the year to date financial position and material variances for Crewe Town Council
The financial reports were noted.
6 To Consider and approve payments to date for recommendation to council between 01/05/2024 and 31/07/2024 To the value of £196,618.17

RESOLVED:  That the spend as detailed to the value of £196,618.17 is approved for recommendation to council

7 To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-

7.1 Business Continuity Plan

7.2 Cookie Policy

7.3 Procurement Policy

7.4 Volunteer Policy

7.5 Website Privacy Policy

  RESOLVED:  That the policies are approved for recommendation to council
8 To receive an information only report relating to Civic Functions
  The report was noted
9 To receive an information only report relating to the website and communications
  The report was noted
10 To consider the funding scope for additional/augmented services and subsidies to Cheshire East.
  The report was noted


i.            That ANSA should be engaged for renegotiation of its services provided through commissioning to consider them as a package to identify potential volume savings.

ii.            That councillor Hogben is nominated to be included in those negotiations (along with the clerk).

iii.            That the Events & Culture Committee should be encouraged to recommend to council the preferred approach for delivery (or not) of activation at Lyceum Square (and potentially more broadly) based on evaluation and findings of recent activities.

iv.            That the provision of Floral Displays, weed spraying, library services and ranger services (including parks) are funded and supported as planned.

v.            That decisions associated with Cleaner Crewe are deferred until greater clarity is available from CEC following their current consultation.

vi.            That Play Area Funding for future financial years may not be required from Crewe Town Council at this time due to the pocket parks projects as well as past funding from Crewe Town Council.

11 To consider a funding request from Cheshire East Council relating to Lyceum Square Public Toilets
                      i.            Crewe Town Council recognises the value of the provision of public toilet facilities in the town centre and does not support Cheshire East’s proposal to cease funding the toilets on Lyceum Square.

ii.            iv. That CEC should demonstrate in great detail how their MTFS funding associated with the Bus Station and MSCP is to be allocated before consideration of funding for the toilet facilities is progressed.

iii.            That CEC should demonstrate that they have consulted with the local community with regard to this plan, including businesses around the facilities, considering the potential social and economic impacts of closing these facilities.

12 To consider Cheshire East request for funding Leisure Services
  i.                    RESOLVED: That the request for top up funding is not approved
13 To consider the requirement for maintenance of the town centre green space.
  ii.                   Members expressed clear ambition for the the area to be well presented and of value to the community as well as disappointment in the lack of progress by Cheshire East to progress work to bring the area in to use.

iii.                 RESOLVED: That the provision of maintenance of the area is approved and will be included in the budget setting process

14 Annual review of the corporate strategy
  Welcomed and noted
15 Annual review of the Medium Term Financial Plan
  RESOLVED: That the reviewed and amended Medium Term Financial Plan is approved for recommendation to council.
16 To consider the draft budget and give direction to committees


i.                    That the draft budget as circulated is noted

ii.                   That it is recommended to council to set a balanced budget that fulfils the council’s ambitions and corporate strategy.

iii.                 That it is recommended to council that committees are directed to show restraint and identify potential reductions in overall budget inflation to reduce the potential impact of precept level on residents

iv.                 That it is recommended to council that the Play Areas Improvement budget line is reduced in light of the council’s investment in play area maintenance as well as the capital investment from the town council and town investment plan across the town’s play areas and will in future provide for an Ear Marked reserve for repairs and replacements as they occur..

v.                   That it is recommended that the Cleaner Crewe Budget is drafted to support the principle of a project officer

vi.                 That it is recommended to council that the Lyceum Square budget line is amended to allow for broader delivery of events and culture in Crewe town centre.

17 To receive and recommend to council to successful conclusion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return AGAR external audit) for 2023/24
  RESOLVED: That the successful conclusion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return is approved for recommendation to council.
18 It is recommended that Committee considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 19 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.
  RESOLVED: That the meeting is to enter closed session
19 To consider office accommodation requirements


i.            That the clerk is authorised to progress the principle of the project (in consultation with the chair of this committee)

ii.            That the clerk reports back to this committee with details of outcomes before committing to any decision

iii.            That the clerk investigates potential costs associated with the potential project, reporting back to this committee with full details and findings.

20 To note the proposed date of the next meeting 19th November.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm


Chair      Cllr Jill Rhodes

Clerk      P Turner

Meeting documents

Finance and Governance Meeting pack 10 September 2024

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