Finance and Governance Committee

MINUTES of the meeting held 28/02/2023

In attendance:

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr Nan Walton

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr John Rhodes

1 To receive apologies for absence

Cllrs Angier, Buckley, Cosby & Messent

2    To note declarations of Members’ interests


3 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on 22/11/2022

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.


5 To review the year to date financial position for Crewe Town Council


6 To note and recommend to Council approval of payments 01/11/2022 and 31/1/2023 to the value of £207,325.25

RESOLVED: That the Payments to the value of £207,325.25 are approved for onward recommendation to council

7 To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-

7.1 Council & Committee Terms of Reference

7.2 Street Naming Policy

7.3 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

7.4 Information & Data Protection Policy

7.5 Personal Data Complaints Policy

RESOLVED: That the governance documents as reviewed are approved for onward recommendation to Council

8 To receive and consider the completion of the procurement review and associated governance and actions


i.                    That the procurement review is approved

ii.                   That the recommended changes to the associated governance documents are approved for onward recommendation to Council

9 To note the councillor audit


10 To consider an update on the John Mc Bride Trust


i.                    That a meeting of the trust is called following the local elections

ii.                   That the Charity Commission is again asked for clarity relating to the delivering the terms of the trust.

11 The proposed date of the next meeting Tuesday 25th April at 7pm.



Meeting documents

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Crewe, CW1 2DL
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