Finance and Governance Committee

Crewe Town Council

1 Chantry Court

Forge Street




T: 01270 756975


MINUTES Finance & Governance Committee 22nd November 2022

 In attendance:       Cllr Jill Rhodes               Cllr Benn Minshall            Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis

Cllr Emma Angier         Cllr Kevin Murray


FG/22/3/1 To receive apologies for absence
  Cllrs Buckley, Houston, Cosby, John Rhodes
FG/22/3/2    To note declarations of Members’ interests
FG/22/3/3 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on 13th September 2022

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

FG/22/3/4 Public Participation
  A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.


FG/22/3/5 To review the year to date financial position for Crewe Town Council


FG/22/3/6 To note and recommend to Council approval of payments 01/9/2022 to 31/10/2022 to the value of £106,441.56

RESOLVED:  That the spend is agreed and recommended to council for approval

FG/22/3/7 To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-

7.1 Training & Development Policy

7.2 Internet, email & Social Media Policy

7.3 Volunteer Policy (and supporting documentation)

7.4 Financial Risk Assessment

RESOLVED: That the policies have been reviewed and are recommended to council for approval

FG/22/3/8 To consider the Risk Management Scheme and Risk Register

RESOLVED: That the Risk Management Scheme and Risk Register have been reviewed and are recommended to council for approval

FG/22/3/9 To receive the Council Business Delivery Plan 2022/23 progress review

RESOLVED: That the Business Delivery Plan for 2022/23 has been reviewed and progress approved

FG/22/3/10 To receive an update relating to office accommodation


FG/22/3/11 To receive and approve the Interim Internal Audit

RESOLVED: That the Interim Internal Audit is agreed and recommended to council for approval

FG/22/3/12 To consider the draft 2023/24 budget for Crewe Town Council, making onward recommendation to council

RESOLVED: That the draft 2023/24 budget, as received from committees, for Crewe Town Council is recommended to council for approval

FG/22/3/13 To note the proposed date of the next meeting is to be Tuesday 28th February at 7pm.


Meeting closed at 7.33pm

Chair Cllr Jill Rhodes

Clerk P Turner



Meeting documents

Finance and Governance 22 11 22 Agenda pack

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A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
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