Finance and Governance Committee
Finance & Governance Committee 1st March 2022
In attendance: Cllr Emma Angier Cllr Tess Buckley Cllr Jill Rhodes
Cllr John Rhodes Cllr Benn Minshall Cllr Joe Cosby
Cllr Dennis Strain-Francis
1 | To receive apologies for absence |
Cllr Tom Dunlop
Cllr Jamie Messent |
2 | To note declarations of Members’ interests
None |
3 | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
None |
4 | To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 23rd November 2021 |
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting | |
5 | To review the year to date financial position for Crewe Town Council
The financial position was reviewed and noted |
6 | To note and recommend to Council approval of payments 1st November 2021 to 31st January 2022 to the value of £209,454.76
RESOLVED: That the spend of £209,454.76 is recommended to council for approval |
7 | To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-
i. Environment Policy ii. Information & Data Protection Policy iii. Social Media Policy (to be deleted) iv. Internet, Email & Social Media Policy v. Sponsorship Policy
RESOLVED: That it is recommended to council: i. That the Social Media Policy is deleted (replaced by the Internet, Email & Social Media Policy ii. That the above remaining 4 policies are recommended to council for approval |
8 | To review and consider updates to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2021-2023
RESOLVED: That the reviewed and updated Medium Term Financial Plan 2021-2023 is recommended to council for approval (with an additional footnote to the effect to highlight consideration of higher than previous inflation on budget setting for 2023/24) |
9 | To note the approved budget for 2022/23 as it relates to this committee.
The budget is noted |
10 | Council Reserves & Ear Marked Reserves Review for 2022/23
RESOLVED: That the revised Ear Marked Reserves structure is recommended to council for approval (noting the amended/updated title for Town Centre Capital Projects EMR) |
11 | To consider an update from the Project Oversight Group
RESOLVED: i. That the update is noted ii. That the project management delivery model of direct internal appointment is recommended for progression through committees and council iii. The Repurposing Our High Streets project GANTT chart is reviewed and approved by the committee iv. That members will consider how they might inform consideration of new future projects for the council to investigate and progress via the project oversight group. |
12 | Office accommodation review
RESOLVED: i. That the Clerk is directed to enter in to non-committed negotiations on town centre property purchases to gather meaningful detail when available, noting that no commitment will be progressed without full details and approval within the council’s governance structure. ii. That quotes are requested for detailed plans for reorganisation of the town council offices for consideration by this committee iii. That the staff team is consulted on office accommodation iv. That the clerk resumes contact with CEC to repeat the request for consideration to occupy the top floor office accommodation at the Municipal Buildings. v. That the clerk engages with the agents for 2 Chantry Court to consider if the property is available for purchase, noting that there is no commitment to progress towards purchase. vi. That the clerk reports back to this committee with any findings and progress. vii. The committee is asked to identify its priorities and preferences for future accommodation. |
13 | Member Audit – scheduling and consideration of member audits
The item was noted and members asked to consider carrying out a member audit of the council operations. |
14 | The date of the next meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee is Tuesday 26th April 2022
The location and/or format of the meeting as yet to be confirmed based on the guidance and regulations at the time |
Meeting closed at 8.09pm
Chair Cllr Jill Rhodes
Clerk P Turner
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