Finance and Governance Committee


Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 14th September 2021

FG21/2/01 To receive apologies for absence
  Apologies were received from Councillors Emma Angier, Tess Buckley, Joe Cosby and Jamie Messent

Councillors Tom Dunlop, Jill Rhodes, John Rhodes, Benn Minshall and Dennis Straine-Francis

FG21/2/02 To note declarations of Members’ interests
  No declarations of interest were made
FG21/2/03 Public Participation
  No comments or questions were received
FG21/2/04 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 8th September 2021
  It was resolved to approve the minutes
FG21/2/05 To review the year to date financial position of Crewe Town Council
  The year to date financial position was noted
FG21/2/06 To note and recommend to Council approval of payments between 1st June 2021 and 31st August 2021
  It was resolved to recommend to Council that the payments be approved to the value of £60,159.69
FG21/2/07 To consider matters related to items held in storage
  It was resolved that Councillors Tom Dunlop, Marilyn Houston and Dennis Straine-Francis would review the items held in storage and feedback information to a future Committee meeting
FG21/2/08 To review the following Governance Documents as part of the Annual Governance Review Process:-

i.            Financial Regulations

ii.            Procurement Policy

iii.            Financial Risk Assessment

iv.            Medium Term Financial Plan

v.            Treasury Management Policy

  The polices were reviewed and noted as amended
FG21/2/09 To consider a recommendation to Council that the Co-option Policy is adopted
  It was resolved to recommend to Council that the Co-option Policy be adopted
  It was resolved that an additional meeting of Council be held for co-option purposes following adoption of the policy
FG21/2/10 To consider a recommendation to Council that payments can be made by BACS, CHAPS or Standing Order for the next two years as per the Councils Financial Regulations
  It was resolved to recommend to Council that payments can be made by BACS, CHAPS or Standing Order for the next two years as per the Councils Financial Regulations
FG21/2/11 To note the increase in the Councils subscription to Adobe Acrobat to £1,202.88
  The increase in subscription was noted
FG21/2/12 To consider matters related to the John McBride Trust
  It was resolved that an Annual General Meeting of the John McBride Trust be called to discuss matters further
FG21/2/13 To consider matters related to progressing the aims of the Council to develop projects ready for funding applications
  It was resolved that Councillors Tom Dunlop, Benn Minshall and John Rhodes would meet with those who have submitted an expression of interest and would feedback information to a future meeting of Committee
FG21/2/14 To consider an application for City Status under the Platinum Jubilee Civic Competition Scheme
  It was resolved that an application is submitted
FG21/2/15 To consider the budget setting process as it relates to the Finance and Governance Committee for the financial year 2022 / 2023
  The draft budget (version 4) was noted
FG21/2/16 To receive and recommend to Council the approval of the conclusion of External Audit
  It was resolved to recommend to Council that the conclusion of External Audit be approved
FG21/2/17 To note the date of the next meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee as Tuesday 23rd November 2021
  The date of the next meeting was noted
  The meeting closed at 8.05pm

Chair – Cllr Jill Rhodes

Clerk – H Marr




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