Crewe Town Council
MINUTES of the meeting of Crewe Town Council 29th March 2022
In attendance: Cllr Tom Dunlop Cllr Martin Edwards Cllr Hazel Faddes
Cllr Lena Hogben Cllr Marilyn Houston Cllr Benn Minshall
Cllr Phoenix Morrissey Cllr Jill Rhodes Cllr John Rhodes
Cllr Nan Walton Cllr Ben Wye Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis
1. | To receive and consider apologies for absence
Cllr Emma Angier; Cllr Dawn Clark; Cllr Alan Coiley; Cllr Joe Cosby; Cllr Tess Buckley; Cllr Jamie Messent |
2. | To note declarations of Members’ interests
None |
3. | To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 7th December 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting |
4. | Public Participation |
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments |
5. | To receive and consider written applications for the office of Town Councillor and to co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy of the Crewe West Ward, within adopted council policy
The candidates for co-option each gave a brief address to the council regarding their motivation and suitability for seeking co-option |
RESOLVED: That under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 council excludes the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the discussion of Item 5 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.
Members discussed the candidates’ applications and presentations and then re-opened the meeting, inviting the public to return to the meeting room. On the return to the meeting of the candidates the ballot was held.
RESOLVED: That Kevin Murray is co-opted to Crewe Town Council for the Crewe West Ward vacancy and joined the meeting from this point onwards
6. | To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the Crewe Town Council meeting on 7th December 2021:-
a. Committee: Finance and Governance RESOLVED: i. That the Social Media Policy is deleted (replaced by the Internet, Email & Social Media Policy) ii. That the Environment Policy; Information & data Protection Policy; Sponsorship; and Internet, Email & Social Media Policy are approved iii. That the reviewed and updated Medium Term Financial Plan 2021-2023 is approved iv. That, subject to confirmation of the Town Improvement Plan High Streets project’s external funding, Council creates the post of Project Manager for the term of the project, with recruitment process, job description and person specification to be approved by the Personnel Committee and appointment delegated to the Chair of the Personnel Committee and Town Clerk. b. Committee: Operations and Improvement RESOLVED: i. That the revised recommendation relating to the charitable structure of an organisation to deliver a sustainable future for Christ Church Regeneration as an Incorporated Charity is approved c. Committee: Marketing and Events RESOLVED: i. That a package of Jubilee celebration events is approved to the value £23,850, drawn from an Ear Marked Reserve created from underspends in 2021/22 budget lines, Community Events, (4259), Event Match Funding (4271) and Cultural Hub (4285). d. Committee: Planning Meetings held: 18th January 2022, 21st February 2022 & 21st March 2022 Noted e. Committee: Community Plan Meetings held: 17th January & 15th March 2022 Noted f. Committee: Personnel Meetings held: 7th December 2021 & 8th March 2022 Noted |
7. | To consider nominations for and approve:
i. Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2022/23 RESOLVED: That Cllr Nan Walton is elected as Mayor (elect) for civic year 2022/23 ii. Deputy Mayor of Crewe (elect) for the civic year 2022/23 RESOLVED: That Cllr Dennis Straine Francis is elected as Deputy Mayor (elect) for civic year 2022/23 |
8. | To note any updates from members having attended external meetings
Cllr John Rhodes reported on attendance at the Green and Blue Infrastructure Sub Group of the Crewe Town Board, reflecting the discussions and considerations for sustainable travel in Crewe. Cllr Ben Wye (chair of the group) invited interested individuals to join. Cllr Jill Rhodes reported her attendance at the Great Brisitish Rail Head Quarters bid launch for Crewe |
9. | To note, consider and approve payments as recommended by the Finance & Governance Committee from 1st November 2021 to 31st January 2022 to the value of £209,454.76 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports
RESOLVED: That the payments to the value £209,454.76 are approved |
10. | To consider the delivery and development of a Business Improvement District, including the up-front funding, as recommended by the Operations & Improvements Committee
11. | To consider and approve the updated Ear Marked Reserves structure, as recommended by the Finance and Governance Committee
RESOLVED: That the EMRs are amended as detailed to reflect project and service workstreams currently considered deliverable and projects identified for future funding. |
12. | To consider and approve a Business Delivery Plan for 2022/23 as recommended by committee within the approved budget and Ear Marked Reserves for 2022/23
RESOLVED: i. That the Business Delivery Plan and associated spend within the approved 2022/23 budget and Ear Marked Reserves is adopted and approved by Council ii. That all associated spend and procurement is delivered within the council’s governance iii. That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the associated committees and council where relevant. iv. That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate governance, committee or council for further development and definition for later approval. |
13. | It is recommended that Council considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 14 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.
RESOLVED: That the council enters closed session for the consideration of agenda item 14. |
14. | Matter arising at an allotment site
RESOLVED: That the complaint details and finding are received and approved. |
15. | To note the proposed date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council – The Annual Meeting of Council Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 7pm – location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to government Covid-19 safety guidance and restrictions at that time |
Meeting closed at 7.51pm
Chair Cllr Tom Dunlop
Clerk P Turner
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