Community Plan Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 17th January 2022
Present: Councillors: Benn Minshall, Tom Dunlop, Dennis Straine-Francis, Nan Walton, Lena Hogben, Hazel Faddes, Dawn Clark, Martin Edwards
CP22/1/01 | Apologies for absence
Cllr Ben Wye Cllr Alan Coiley Cllr Jill Rhodes Cllr Tess Buckley |
CP22/1/02 | To consider co-option of new Members on to this committee
RESOLVED: The co-option of Cllr Dawn Clark & Cllr Martin Edwards was agreed |
CP22/1/03 | To note declarations of Members’ interests
None |
CP22/1/04 | Public Participation
No public participation A funding request was made by Cllr Tom Dunlop to support an event for the benefit of the Polish Community to be held in the Market Hall on 26th February. Cllr Dunlop agreed to provide more information The Committee agreed to publicise the event |
CP22/1/05 | To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Community Plan Committee meeting held on 11th October 2021
RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting were approved as a true record |
CP22/01/06 | Grant Updates – to receive and note updates from past recipients of grants:
Grant updates noted |
CP22/01/07 | To review the year to date financial position for the Community Plan Committee.
The year to date financial position was noted. |
CP22/01/08 | To consider matters related to grant applications received from:
CP22/01/09 | Member Item updates:
9.1 Verdun Oaks Information Board Update 9.2 St Peter’s Church Update 9.3 Crewe Cemetery (Orbitas) Memorial Garden Update Member Item updates noted |
Member items for this meeting
9.4 Speed Management Strategy – Cllr Faddes Cllr Faddes provided an update on Cheshire East Council’s Speed Management Strategy. 9.5 Asset Map – Cllr Minshall RESOLVED: To explore the resource requirements to explore the creation of an Asset Map |
CP22/01/10 | 10.1 To consider £500 sponsorship application from Motherwell #seeitbeit campaign
RESOLVED: The application was approved 10.2 To consider funding and installation of 5 x Defibrillators in Crewe RESOLVED: That the purchase and installation of up to 5 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED), associated casing and installation costs is approved up to the value of £1750 per unit to be taken from the Health & Wellbeing line, code, 470/4767, to be installed in the public realm on the external of suitable buildings, subject to appropriate permissions and agreements being place |
CP22/01/11 | Allotment’s update – Clerk
The update on the Allotment’s was noted |
CP22/01/12 | To provide an update relating to the Business Delivery Plan for the Community Plan Committee
12.1 – Business Delivery Plan The update on the business delivery plan was noted |
CP22/01/13 | To note the date of the next Community Plan Committee meeting as Tuesday 15th March 2022. Location and/or the format of the meeting as yet to be confirmed, based on the guidance and regulations at that time. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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