Community Plan Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 15th March 2022
Present: Councillors Benn Minshall, Alan Coiley, Lena Hogben, Tom Dunlop, Nan Walton, Dawn Clark, Dennis Straine-Francis, Jill Rhodes
CP22/2/01 Apologies for absence: No apologies for absence were received.
CP22/2/02 To note declarations of Members’ interests:
Cllr Hogben declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 7.3 – Member of Grove Singers.
Cllr Dunlop declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 8.1 – Member of Twinning Association.
CP22/2/03 Public Participation: There were no comments or questions from the public.
CP22/2/04 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Community Plan Committee Meeting held on 17th
January 2022.
RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting were approved as a true record
CP22/2/05 Funding updates – to receive and note updates from past recipients:
Funding updates were noted.
CP22/2/06 To review the year to date financial position for the Community Plan Committee
The year to date financial position was noted.
CP22/2/07 To consider matters related to grant applications received from:
Member items:
8.1 Twinning – Cllr Dunlop Twinning update noted. RESOLVED: To maintain links and to arrange a meeting with the Twinning Association to establish the support required. 8.2 Networking Event – Cllr Clark Networking event update noted. RESOLVED: To initiate further discussion around a potential event, planning, Officer time and costs involved. 8.3 Grants Advisory Group – Cllr Minshall Grants Advisory Group update noted. RESOLVED: i. To establish a Grants Advisory Group to discuss applications in advance of the Community Plan Meeting. ii. Councillors Clark, Coiley and Straine-Francis volunteered to be part of it. iii. Community & Funding Officer to ascertain interest from other members of the Community Plan Committee and Council. |
CP22/02/09 | Mayoral update – ‘What has The Mayor been up to’
Mayoral update was noted |
CP22/02/10 | To provide an update relating to the White Ribbon Campaign
White Ribbon Campaign update noted. RESOLVED: To share through the Council’s Social Media channels and link in with other local associated groups.
CP22/02/11 | To provide an update relating to the Business Delivery Plan 2022/23 for the Community Plan Committee.
11.1 – Business Delivery Plan RESOLVED: i. That the Community Plan Committee Business Delivery Plan and associated spend within the approved 2022/23 budget is recommended for approval by Council ii. That all associated spend and procurement is delivered within the council’s governance iii. That all ongoing work, actions and outcomes are reported regularly to the associated committees and council where relevant. iv. That undefined aspects of delivery are progressed though the appropriate governance, committee or council for further development and definition for later approval.
CP22/02/12 | To note the proposed date of the next meeting Monday 6th June 2022 at 6pm – location and format of the meeting to be confirmed subject to government Covid-19 safety guidance
and restrictions at that time. |
Meeting Closed at 7:36pm
Chair Cllr Benn Minshall
Clerk J Dow
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