Community Plan Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th July 2021

CP21/1/01 Present:-
Councillors Alan Coiley, Tom Dunlop, Lena Hogben, Benn Minshall, Jill Rhodes, Dennis Straine-Francis, Nan Walton and Ben Wye

No apologies for absence were received

In attendance:-
Hannah Marr (Finance and Engagement Manager) and Pete Turner (Town Clerk)

CP21/1/02 To elect a Chair of the Community Plan Committee

It was resolved that Councillor Benn Minshall be elected as Chair

CP21/1/03 To elect a Vice Chair of the Community Plan Committee

It was resolved that Councillor Alan Coiley be elected as Vice Chair

CP21/1/04 To note declarations of Members’ interests

Cllr Minshall declared a no-pecuniary interest in agenda item 9b

CP21/1/05 Public Participation

There were no comment or questions from the public

CP21/1/06 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Community Plan Committee meeting held on Monday 29th March 2021

It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the Meeting

CP21/1/07 To review the year to date financial position of the Community Plan Committee

The year to date financial position of the Community Plan Committee was noted

CP21/1/08 To consider matters related to Crewe becoming a Fairtrade Town

It was resolved that:-
I. It is recommended to council that Crewe Town Council supports the campaign to achieve Fairtrade status for Crewe as detailed in the Fairtrade Foundation Fairtrade Towns Initiative
II. Where possible, Crewe Town Council will purchase Fairtrade goods through its procurement policies and processes in line with Fairtrade principles
III. At least one Council representative is appointed to support the Crewe Fairtrade Community Group and support the ongoing work to promote Fairtrade
IV. where possible, Fairtrade Mark refreshments and goods when catering Council functions, at Council Meetings and in the Council Offices are provided
V. the council, through its work, seeks to establish a Crewe Fairtrade Community Group which will facilitate and have oversight of developing the campaign to gain and maintain Fairtrade Town status
VI. Appropriate and sustainable resources are made available to the Crewe Fairtrade Community Group, such as supporting the Crewe Fairtrade Community Group to publicise its work and promote Fairtrade
VII. Fairtrade issues and practices are promoted amongst local businesses, community organisations and residents
VIII. The council supports the organisation and publicity of Fairtrade and the Crewe Fairtrade Community Group specifically during Fairtrade Fortnight

CP21/1/09 To consider matters related to grant applications received from:-
a) Thrive Cheshire
It was resolved to defer the application from Thrive Cheshire so that further information can be obtained and that the application be resubmitted to a future meeting of the Community Plan Committee
b) Inner Trust CIC
It was resolved to allocate funds of £2,485.49 to Inner Trust CIC for their Capture Crewe and Musical Minds Sessions

CP21/1/10 To provide an update relating to the Business Delivery Plan for the Community Plan Committee

The update on the Business Delivery Plan was noted

It was resolved to allocate a budget line of £1,000 towards obtaining Fairtrade Town status for Crewe (subject to council approval of CP21/1/08 above)

CP21/1/11 To consider matters related to budget setting for the Community Plan Committee

The draft budget was noted

CP21/1/12 To consider matters related to a Community Asset Map for Crewe and any associated costs

Members requested that further information and costings are obtained which can then be resubmitted to a future meeting of the Community Plan Committee

CP21/1/13 To note the date of the next Community Plan Committee meeting as Monday 11th October 2021. Location and/or the format of the meeting as yet to be confirmed, based on the guidance and regulations at that time

Members noted the date of the next Community Plan Committee meeting as Monday 11th October 2021

The meeting ended at 7.46pm

Chair Cllr Benn Minshall
Clerk H Marr

Meeting documents

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