Community Committee Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held on 8th October 2024

In attendance:

Cllr Alan Coiley

Cllr Sally Graham

Cllr Dawn Clark

Cllr Lena Hogben

Cllr Kevin Murray

Cllr Jill Rhodes

Cllr Ben Wye

Cllr Martin Edwards

Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis


C/24/3/1 To receive apologies for absence:

Cllr Faseyi, Cllr Mortimer

C/24/3/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests:
  Cllr Jill Rhodes declared a non-pecuniary interest in St Andrew’s Church, Dance to Health

Cllr Dawn Clark declared a non-pecuniary interest in St Andrew’s  Church, Dance to Health

C/24/3/3 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Community Committee meeting held on 16th July 2024

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

C/24/3/4 Public Participation:

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments that relate to the items within the agenda.


C/24/3/5 To review the year- to- date financial position for the Community Plan Committee.

The report was noted.

C/24/3/6 To consider matters related to grant applications received from:

  Organisation Project title Amount
6.1 LS Gymnastics


Making it safe for all

To approve the grant application and award funds



6.2 RicNic


Show in a week

To partially approve the application and award funds subject to clarification around Marketing budget.



6.3 Dance to Health


St Andrews Dance to Health

To partially approve the application and award funds



6.4 Digital Arts Box


Young Creators Workshops

To decline the application



6.5 YMCA


The Gresty Club – YMCA Cheshire

To approve the application and award funds



6.6 My CWA


Male Peer Support Lounge Crewe

To approve the application and award funds



6.7 ConNEXTions


Outdoor Amenities Area

To approve the application subject to further information being received.



  The receipt from The Lighthouse centre of the reclaimed grant funding for the cancelled Valley Brook Festival was noted.
C/24/3/7 To consider a Grant Variation request – Visyon

RESOLVED: To approve the variation subject to additional information being received

C/24/3/8 To consider details of a new Community Strategy to replace A Vision for Crewe.

The update was noted

C/24/3/9 To provide an update to members on the progress of the Business Delivery Plan 2024-25.

The update was noted.


i.                    To remove the funding allocation for volunteering and return it to the Wellbeing budget line – 470 /4767

ii.                  To use the approved funding allocation for a community mapping asset to support EDI projects within the community instead.

C/24/3/10 Member Item: Cllr Clark to discuss winter provision for LATH

RESOLVED: Members agreed to provide funding of £500 to LATH (Looking after the homeless)

 C/24/3/11 To provide draft budget setting details to members for 2025-26

RESOLVED: That the draft committee budget was approved for recommendation to the Finance & Governance Committee.

 C/24/3/12 To note the date of the next meeting on Tuesday 21st January 2025.


Meeting closed: 7.23pm

Chair: Cllr Alan Coiley

Clerk: J. Dow

Meeting documents

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