Annual Town Council Meeting
Annual Meeting of Council
and ‘Mayor Making’
In attendance: Cllr Emma Angier, Cllr Tess Buckley, Cllr Alan Coiley, Cllr Joe Cosby, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Lena Hogben, Cllr Jamie Messent, Cllr Benn Minshall, Cllr Julian Proffit, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr John Rhodes, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis, Cllr Nan Walton and Cllr Ben Wye
Minutes of the Meeting
CTC/21/1/1 To receive apologies for absence
Cllr Gary Palin and Cllr Phoenix Morrissey
CTC/21/1/2 To note declarations of Members’ interest
CTC/21/1/3 Public Participation
The Mayor opened the meeting to public participation. There was none. The Mayor then reconvened the meeting.
CTC/21/1/4 To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 30th March 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting
CTC/21/1/5 To confirm the Mayor (elect) as Mayor of Crewe for 2021/22
Cllr Tom Dunlop was proposed by Cllr Straine-Francis and seconded by Cllr Buckley. The vote was unanimous.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Tom Dunlop is elected Chair of Crewe Town Council and Mayor of Crewe
CTC/21/1/6 To confirm the Deputy Mayor (elect) as Deputy Mayor of Crewe for 2021/22
Cllr Nan Walton was proposed by Cllr Messent and seconded by Cllr Hogben. The vote was unanimous.
RESOLVED: That Cllr Nan Walton is elected Deputy Chair of Crewe Town Council and Deputy Mayor of Crewe
The meeting was adjourned whilst the newly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor received their insignia of office.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Crewe to read and signed their declaration accepting the office of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Crewe.
The meeting was then be re-convened.
CTC/21/1/7 To propose a vote of thanks and to present a past Mayor’s Medal to the outgoing Mayor Cllr Benn Minshall.
Cllr Dunlop led a vote of thanks for Cllr Benn Minshall, reflecting the excellent service and leadership given to Crewe over the past 2 years.
CTC/21/1/8 To receive an address from the Town Mayor
The Mayor introduced his Consort and Mayoress for 2021/22, Mrs Adrienne Dunlop; the Mayoral Chaplain for 2021/22 Father John Leal; and also The Mayor’s Charity for 2021/22 – Autism Inclusive. The mayor also thanked fellow members and the residents of Crewe and struck a theme of a town “back together”.
CTC/21/1/9 To note the minutes of committee meetings held since Council in March:
1. Planning Committee – 20th April (Draft).
2. Finance and Governance – 27th April (Draft)
3. Community Plan – 30th March (Draft)
CTC/21/1/10 To consider and approve the terms of reference of Committees
RESOLVED: That the terms of reference are approved
CTC/21/1/11 To consider the approval of Committee structures and nominations to new and existing Committees
RESOLVED: That the committee structures are approved
CTC/21/1/12 To consider and approve representations on outside bodies
1. Crewe Town Board – Cllr Jill Rhodes
2. Crewe Pledge Management Board – Mayor & Deputy Mayor
3. Crewe Town Allotment Federation – Cllr John Rhodes
RESOLVED: That the representatives are approved
CTC/21/1/13 To confirm the Council’s adoption of the Councillor Code of Conduct
RESOLVED: That Councillor Code of Conduct is adopted
CTC/21/1/14 To review, consider and approve matters related to:
1. Council list of assets – to be received and noted
2. Provision of Insurance cover – to be received and noted
3. Affiliation to Cheshire Association of Local Councils. – to be considered and approved
RESOLVED: That affiliation to and membership of ChALC is approved
CTC/21/1/15 Internal auditor – to approve JDH Business Services as internal auditor 2021/22 & approve the Internal Audit for 2020/21
i. That JDH Business Services is approved as internal auditor for 2021/22
ii. That the internal audit is received and approved
CTC/21/1/16 External support services
1. To approve Wirehouse Employer Services for HR and H&S support
2. To approve Blain Boland & Co Solicitors for legal support
3. To approve John Greenall & Co for finance and accountancy support
i. That Wirehouse Employer Services is approved for HR and H&S support
ii. That Blain Boland & Co Solicitors is approved for legal support
iii. That John Greenall & Co is approved for finance and accountancy support
CTC/21/1/17 To consider, approve and authorise signing of the annual governance statement (AGAR) 2020/21
RESOLVED: That the annual governance statement for 2020/21 is approved and authorised for signing
CTC/21/1/18 To consider and approve payments since the previous meeting as set out in the schedules to the value of £130,241.22
RESOLVED: That the payments detailed to the value of £130,241.22 are approved
CTC/21/1/19 To receive and approve the Annual Report for 2020/21
CTC/21/1/20 To note the date of the next meeting – 29th June 2021
Meeting closed at 7.28pm
Chair Cllr Benn Minshall (to Item 6); Cllr Tom Dunlop (from Item 7)
Clerk P Turner
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