Town Council Meeting

MINUTES of the meeting held 30th MARCH 2021

In attendance: Cllr Emma Angier; Cllr Tess Buckley; Cllr Alan Coiley; Cllr Joe Cosby; Cllr Tom Dunlop; Cllr Julian Proffit; Cllr Gary Palin; Cllr Jill Rhodes; Cllr John Rhodes; Cllr Dennis Straine Francis and Cllr Nanette Walton

CTC/20/4/1 To receive and consider apologies for absence
Cllr Benn Minshall

CTC/20/4/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests

CTC/20/4/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 15th December 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CTC/20/4/4 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments


CTC/20/4/5 To consider the approval of the requisite insurances for the council’s assets and services on a 3 year contract with the selected provider within budget to be delegated to the Clerk to ensure competitive quotations are sought in line with council financial regulations.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk is delegated to ensure the requisite insurances are in place on a 3 year contract, having sought competitive proposal quotations

CTC/20/4/6 To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous Crewe Town Council meeting on 15th December 2020:-

a. Committee: Finance and Governance
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meeting held: 25th February 2021;
Items for consideration:
i. That it is recommended to Council that the draft Medium Term Financial Plan is adopted
ii. That is recommended to Council to approve the Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) for 2021/22
iii. That it is recommended to Council to approve the Interim Internal Audit

i. That the Medium Term Financial Plan is adopted
ii. That Ear Marked Reserves (EMR) for 2021/22 are approved
iii. That the Interim Internal Audit is approved

b. Committee: Operations and Improvement
Chair: Councillor Jamie Messent
Meetings held: 12th January 2021 & 15th March 2021
Items for consideration:
i. That it is recommended to council to consider investing in the development of future project feasibilities and business cases to support accessing funding streams and thereby increasing income

RESOLVED: That the principle of developing future project feasibilities is approved, subject to the resource requirements being defined and approved by committee or council, within the scheme of delegation.

c. Committee: Marketing and Events
Chair: Councillor Joe Cosby
Meetings held: 26th January 2021 & 15th March 2021
Items for consideration:
i. That it is recommended to council that attached logo design is adopted as the council’s new logo, within the adopted Crewe Town Brand

RESOLVED: That the new logo design is adopted as the council’s new logo, within the adopted Crewe Town Brand

d. Committee: Planning
Chair: Councillor John Rhodes
Meetings held: 19th January & 23rd February
Items for consideration: None

e. Committee: Community Plan
Chair: Councillor Tom Dunlop
Meetings held: 18th January 2021
Items for consideration:
i. That it is recommended to Council that the refined Grants Policy and governance is adopted
RESOLVED: That the refined Grants Policy and governance is adopted

f. Committee: Personnel
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meetings Held: 9th March 2021
Items for consideration: None

CTC/20/4/7 To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

Cllr Jill Rhodes updated council with regard to the work of the Crewe Town Board, such that the projects for the Town Investment Plan had been submitted and government review and decision is awaited regarding the funding. Additionally, the Future High Streets fund has been approved for defined projects and further information and updates are awaited. The Town Board is now constituted with Terms of Reference and defined objectives.

CTC/20/4/8 To note, consider and approve payments (1/12/20 to 28/2/21) to the value of £217,797.63 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the spend of £217,797.63 is approved

To consider and appoint a Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the civic year 2021/22 (running May to April). The appointment to be Mayor (elect) and Deputy Mayor (elect) until assuming the post at the end of the 2020/21 civic year.

i. That Cllr Tom Dunlop is Mayor (elect) for the Civic Year 2021/22
ii. That Cllr Nanette Walton is Deputy Mayor (elect) for the Civic Year 2021/22

CTC/20/4/10 To consider the 2021/22 Council Business Delivery Plan, as recommended by committees, for approval and adoption.

RESOLVED: That the Council’s Business Delivery Plan and defined spend for 2021/22 is approved for delivery

CTC/20/4/11 To consider the meeting schedule for 2021/22 including noting the risk to future meetings following 7th may, at which point the regulations allowing virtual attendance at meetings cease.

i. That the meeting schedule for 2021/22 is adopted (subject to amendments as required through the year)
ii. That £4,000 is authorised to spend on the upgrade of the council meeting room in anticipation of ensuring meetings are accessible and open on an ongoing basis
iii. That, if practicable, provisional bookings are placed (seeking minimal to nil financial risk) for meeting rooms that can accommodate formal council and committee meetings up to the end of September, only to be used if necessary and socially and legally responsible in light of government guidance at that time.
iv. That, should external meeting rooms be required and utilised, such demountable equipment to facilitate recording and broadcasting formal meetings, ensuring accessibility and transparency is acquired to a maximum budget of £2,000 (only to be bought if external meeting space is definitely being utilised)

CTC/20/4/12 To consider the meeting schedule for 2021/22 including noting the risk to future meetings following 7th may, at which point the regulations allowing virtual attendance at meetings cease.

i. That the meeting schedule for 2021/22 is adopted (subject to amendments as required through the year)
ii. That £4,000 is authorised to spend on the upgrade of the council meeting room in anticipation of ensuring meetings are accessible and open on an ongoing basis
iii. That, if practicable, provisional bookings are placed (seeking minimal to nil financial risk) for meeting rooms that can accommodate formal council and committee meetings up to the end of September, only to be used if necessary and socially and legally responsible in light of government guidance at that time.
iv. That, should external meeting rooms be required and utilised, such demountable equipment to facilitate recording and broadcasting formal meetings, ensuring accessibility and transparency is acquired to a maximum budget of £2,000 (only to be bought if external meeting space is definitely being utilised)

To note the date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council as Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7pm, which will be the Annual Meeting of Council. Location and meeting format to be confirmed subject to Covid-19 restrictions and considerations.

Meeting Closed at 8.12pm
Chair Cllr T Dunlop
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

6 Crewe TC Mins 3-3-2020

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