Planning Committee

Minutes 20/10/20

In attendance: Cllr John Rhodes, Cllr Julian Proffit, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Lena Hogben, Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Gary Palin and Cllr Emma Angier

PL20/4/1 To receive apologies for absence.


PL20/4/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests.


PL20/4/3 Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

None present. Written submission to be heard at Item 6

PL20/4/4 To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd September 2020

RESOLVED: The minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

PL20/4/5 To consider making a response to the following planning applications:
• 20/3976N Proposed two storey extension
Location: 85 Warmingham Road, Crewe, CW1 4PS

The committee expressed concern at the scale and the issues raised within the neighbour objections. It was commented that it is difficult to see from the plans the possible on site impact, which appears to be quite substantial. Therefore the committee seeks that the neighbour comments and observations are carefully considered by the planning authority.

• 20/4273N Proposed replacement garage
Location: 99A Broughton Road, Crewe, CW1 4NW

No objection

• 20/3811N Minor works to the rear of the existing ground floor for dog grooming facilities and new parking bay located at the rear.
Location: 198 Badger Road, Crewe, CW1 3LP

The committee reflects the concerns and objections identified by the Environmental Health Officer as it relates to loss of amenity due to increased noise pollution from the proposals.

• 20/ 4318N Advertisement consent for upgrade of existing 48 sheet advert to support digital poster.
Location: Macon Way, Crewe

No objection

• 20/4325N Deed of variation relating to the tenure provision on the S106 agreement on approved application 11/1643N – Outline application for the erection of 650 dwellings, a public house, a local shop and associated infrastructure and open space provision together with the demolition of the former Cross Keys Public House.
Location: Stoneley Park, Crewe

The committee seeks that the social housing aspect of the development is ensured, such that rented accommodation is affordable and meets the definitions of social and affordable rented accommodation.

• 20/4319N Advertisement consent for upgrading of existing 48 sheet advert display to support digital poster.
Location: 28 Mill Street, Crewe, CW2 7AN

No objection

• 20/3919N Advertisement consent for replacement outdoor signage.
Location: 234 Nantwich Road, Crewe, CW2 6BP

No objection

• 20/4411N Change of use from Gym and Creche facility (unit never occupied) to E (a) Display of bulky goods (non food).
Location: Land off Dunwoody Way, Crewe

No objection

• 20/1454N Amended plans for the proposal for a two storey, 18 bed specialist unit care home on an existing soft landscape area adjacent to Telford Court Care Home; including additional parking, ancillary gardens and increase to existing bin store.
Location: Telford Court, Dunwoody Way, Crewe, CW1 3AW (correspondence to follow).

RESOLVED: That this council objects to the proposal, as previous submitted, seeing no material improvement in the amended designs, being that the proposed development represents over development of the site, which would result in the loss of amenity too adjacent properties in terms of loss of light, loss of privacy, increased noised disturbance.

PL20/4/6 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published.

20/4453N – 91 Hungerford Road, CW1 5EY
Single storey rear extension with flat roof over extending 5.27m beyond the rear wall, maximum height of 2.71m and eaves height of 2.52.

No objection

PL20/4/7 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting


PL20/4/8 To note updated HS2 consultation documents received

Details to be circulated and draft response to be agreed – to be considered at the next meeting of this committee

PL20/4/9 To note correspondence relating to the committee

Relating to the Drill Hall Myrtle Street, noting that a response has been sent to the resident to identify that no planning application has been submitted or notified to this council.

PL20/4/10 To note the date of the next meeting 17th November 2020

Meeting closed at 20:16

Chair Cllr John Rhodes
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

4 Planning Minutes - 20th October 2020

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