Community Plan Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th January 2021
CP20/4/01 Present:-
Councillor Tom Dunlop, Benn Minshall, Dennis Straine-Francis and Nan Walton
Apologies were received from Councillor Tess Buckley and Alan Coiley
In attendance:-
Hannah Marr (Finance and Engagement Manager) and Pete Turner (Town Clerk)
CP20/4/02 To note declarations of members interests
Councillor Benn Minshall declared an pecuniary interest in Item 8B (Minute Reference: CP20/4/07)
CP20/4/03 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments
No questions or comments were submitted to the Community Plan Committee by members of the public
CP20/4/04 To confirm the Minutes of the Community Plan Committee meeting held on Monday 16th November 2020
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record
CP20/4/05 To note the year to date financial position for the Community Plan Committee
The financial position was noted
CP20/4/06 To consider matters related to supporting the Crewe See It Be Campaign 2021
It was resolved to allocate funds of £500 towards the Crewe See It Be Campaign 2021
CP20/4/07 To consider matters related to applications made to the Crewe Town Council Grants Scheme
a) CVS Cheshire East – £2,500.00
b) Central Cheshire Buddies Scheme – £901.00
c) Home-Start Cheshire – £2,100.00
d) Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspapers – £1,620.00
e) Visyon – £1,624.00
f) Crewe Princes Trust Programme (Cheshire Fire and Rescue) – £900.00
g) Acceler8 Band – £2,500.00
h) Crewe Brass Band – £1,800.00
It was resolved to allocate funds of £2,500.00 to CVS Cheshire East
It was resolved to defer the application from the Central Cheshire Buddies Scheme
It was resolved to defer the application from Home-Start Cheshire
It was resolved to allocate funds of £1,620.00 to Crewe and Nantwich Talking Newspapers
It was resolved to allocate funds of £1,360.00 to Visyon
It was resolved to allocate funds of £900.00 to the Crewe Princes Trust Programme
It was resolved to allocate funds of £2,500.00 to the Acceler8 Band subject to confirmation of additional match funding for the project
It was resolved to allocate funds of £1,800.00 to Crewe Brass Band
CP20/4/08 To consider matters related to refining the Grants Policy and governance
Members resolved to recommend to Council that the refined Grants Policy and governance is adopted
CP20/4/09 To consider matters related to delivery for the forthcoming financial year
Members were requested to help inform and influence the delivery of projects and activities related to the Community Plan budget for the forthcoming financial year which are to be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee
CP20/4/10 To note the date of future meetings of the Community Plan Committee
• Monday 29th March 2021
Members noted the dates of future meetings of the Community Plan Committee
The Community Plan Committee Meeting closed at 7:54pm
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