Town Council Meeting


In attendance: Cllr Angier, Cllr Buckley, Cllr Dunlop, Cllr Hogben, Cllr Minshall, Cllr Proffit, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr Straine-Francis and Cllr Walton

CTC20/3/1 To receive and consider apologies for absence
Cllrs Palin, Cosby, Messent, Houston and John Rhodes

CTC20/3/2 To note declarations of Members’ interests

CTC20/3/3 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 29th September 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

CTC20/3/4 Public Participation

The meeting was addressed by Cllr Philip Williams who spoke to the council regarding the Minshull Greenway, which passes through Wistaston and Minshull Vernon Parishes before entering Crewe. The path is in poor repair with little signage and no markings. There have been accidents requiring air ambulance attendance and aspects of the path surface and edges have been seriously eroded. Wistaston and Minshull Vernon Parish Councils have both agreed to work together to fund repairs to the path and to volunteer to carry out some of the work. Cllr Williams sought a meeting with the council to discuss how Crewe Town Council might be able to help.

CTC20/3/5 To receive a report from the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor in relation to civic engagements attended between 29th September and 7th December 2020

Mayor Cllr Benn Minshall provided a verbal report on events attended, including switching on the Christmas lights.

CTC20/3/6 To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous Crewe Town Council meeting on 29th September 2020:-

a. Committee: Finance and Governance
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meeting held: 27th October 2020;
i. That the Audit Sub-Committee is removed from the Governance Structure
ii. That the Health and Safety Management System is approved and adopted

Meeting held: 1st December 2020
iii. That the draft Crewe Town Council budget for 2021/22 is approved for adoption
iv. That the Annual External Audit Return (AGAR) is approved

b. Committee: Operations and Improvement
Chair: Councillor Jamie Messent
Meetings held: 9th November 2020
Items for consideration: None

c. Committee: Marketing and Events
Chair: Councillor Joe Cosby
Meetings held: 10th November 2020
Items for consideration: None

d. Committee: Planning
Chair: Councillor John Rhodes
Meetings held: 20th October & 17th November 2020
Items for consideration: None

e. Committee: Community Plan
Chair: Councillor Tom Dunlop
Meetings held: 16th November 2020
Items for consideration: None

f. Committee: Personnel
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meetings Held: None
Items for consideration: None

CTC20/3/7 To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

Cllr Rhodes reported positive progress and work being progressed by the Crewe Town Board in agreeing a list of capital regeneration projects being submitted to the Towns Fund for consideration for funding.

CTC20/3/8 To note, consider and approve payments (1/9/20 to 30/11/20) to the value of £157,669.59 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the payments of £157,669,59 are approved

CTC20/3/9 To consider and approve governance documentation associated with the newly adopted and developing council constitution, considering at this meeting the following draft documents:

RESOLVED: That the following governance documents are approved for adoption:
1. Use of Municipal (Memorial) Square Protocol
2. ICT Policy
3. Internet, Email and Social Media Policy
4. Bring Your Own Device Policy
5. Personal Date Breach Policy
6. Committee List and Membership
7. Information Security Policy
8. Financial Risk Assessment
9 Financial and Treasury Management Policy
10 Medium Term Financial Plan 2020

CTC20/3/10 To note the date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council as Tuesday 30th March 2021 at 7pm. Location and meeting format to be confirmed subject to Covid-19 restrictions and considerations.

Meeting closed at 7.25pm

Chair – Cllr Benn Minshall
Clerk – P Turner

Meeting documents

3. Crewe TC Minutes 15.12.2020

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