Town Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Crewe Town Council 29th September 2020

In attendance: Cllr Tess Buckley, Cllr Alan Coiley, Cllr Joe Cosby, Cllr Tom Dunlop, Cllr Hazel Faddes, Cllr Lena Hogben, Cllr Marilyn Houston, Cllr Benn Minshall, Cllr Phoenix Morrisey, Cllr Julian Proffit, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Cllr John Rhodes, Cllr Dennis Straine-Francis and Cllr Nannette Walton

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence
Cllr Emma Angier, Cllr Jamie Messent and Cllr Gary Palin

2. To note declarations of Members’ interests

3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Crewe Town Council Meeting held on 4th August 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4. Public Participation

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments

There were no submitted requests for participation, comments or questions from the public

5. To receive a report from the Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor in relation to civic engagements attended between 4th August and 28th September 2020

The mayor gave an overview of engagements to open a refurbished Morrisons as wells as opening a Mental Health Unit at Leighton.

6. To receive updates from Committee Chairs in relation to meetings held since the previous Crewe Town Council meeting on 31st March 2020:-
• Committee: Finance and Governance
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meetings held: Monday 25th August 2020;
Items for consideration: None

• Committee: Operations and Improvement
Chair: Councillor Jamie Messent
Meetings held: Monday 28th September 2020
Items for consideration:

• Committee: Marketing and Events
Chair: Councillor Joe Cosby
Meetings held: Tuesday 8th September 2020
Items for consideration:

RESOLVED: That the recommendations of the committee (as listed below) are ratified and thereby approved.
1. Lumen:
a. To release up to £13,500 from the Lumen budget (cost centre 352/4274) and the Infrastructure (Christmas) budget (cost centre 352/4275), to support the production of the Lumen event as detailed in the circulated report.
2. Brand:
a. That the Council adopts the Crewe Place Brand narrative framework and filter and approve the proposed plan for the Place Brand ownership, management and dissemination. Further consideration will be needed for the adoption of the visual identity.
b. To release the Place Branding budget (cost centre 460/ 4276), up to £17,000 to support the activities undertaken by the Council to disseminate and manage the Crewe Place Brand. The release of the budget is subject to the submission of an options appraisal report to be discuss on the next Marketing and Events Committee meeting.
c. That the Council appoints the Marketing and Events Officer as a responsible officer for the project, to overview and manage the activities undertaken by the Council to support the Brand ownership, management and dissemination.

• Committee: Planning
Chair: Councillor John Rhodes
Meetings held: Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Items for consideration: None

• Committee: Community Plan
Chair: Councillor Tom Dunlop
Meetings held: Monday 21st September 2020
Items for consideration: None

• Committee: Personnel
Chair: Councillor Jill Rhodes
Meetings Held: 18th August 2020 (minutes attached)
Items for consideration:
RESOLVED: That Council notes the updated job descriptions and adopts the delivery of the amended council structure, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.

7. To note any updates from members having attended external meetings

None declared

8. To note, consider and approve payments (1/7/20 to 31/8/20) to the value of £46,277 and spend to date as shown in the attached reports

RESOLVED: That the spend of £46,277 is approved

9. To consider and approve governance documentation associated with the newly adopted and developing council constitution, considering at this meeting the following draft documents:
1. Allotment Policy;
2. Community & Social Policy;
3. Community Engagement Policy;
4. Customer Care & Complaints Code;
5. Emergency Plan
6. Environment Policy
7. Mayor’s Allowance Scheme
8. Planning Policy
9. Publication Scheme
10. Publication Scheme Information Guide
11. Quality Policy
12. Street Naming Policy
13. Training & Development Policy

RESOLVED: That the governance documents are approved and adopted with the following amendments:
i. Community and Social Policy to be amended at page 70, third bullet point to read as follows:
“Only engage with suppliers, contractors or business partners who do not compromise out reputation outlined within this policy”
ii. Customer Care Policy and Complaints Code at page 75, to change the 7th line (above the bullet points) to read: “In particular, the Council will strive to:”

10. To consider the final adoption of the Crewe Town Council Corporate Strategy, noting the consultation responses and report.

RESOLVED: That the Crewe Town Council Corporate Strategy is approved and adopted

11. To consider the adoption of the Crewe Heritage Strategy
Members thanked the councillors, officers and partners involved in developing and delivering this strategy, in co-operation with Cheshire East Council.

RESOLVED: That the Crewe Heritage Strategy is approved and adopted

12. To note the updated draft budget (version 5) having been shared with all councillors and following consideration at Finance & Governance, Marketing & Events, Planning and Community Plan Committees for the 2021/22 budget


13. It is recommended that Council considers a resolution under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and representatives of the press from the meeting during the consideration of Item 16 on the grounds that matters contain sensitive information and by reason of the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

RESOLVED: That the meeting enters closed session due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

14. To consider the update and report from the Town Clerk relating to the Streetscene Improvement service

Members discussed at length the positive impact of the service to date and the value of engagement and education as it relates to on street waste and fly tipping. It was noted that the officers are thanked for their hard work, diligence, positive engagement and research. It was agreed that without meaningful enforcement the service could not address all the issues associated with the problems faced due to on street waste and fly tipping. It was commented that the service was a 2 year trial project and that council had already extended the project to the end of March 2021. Consideration was given to further extension as well as the development of the service and potential other funding streams.

i. That the Streetscene Improvement Service is not extended beyond 31st March 2021
ii. That the council explores the possibility of the transfer of the service to Cheshire East Council
iii. That the council considers other delivery operating models to address on street waste, fly tipping, streetscene and public realm improvement, proposals and options to be considered within budget setting and forward planning.

15. To note the date of the next meeting of Crewe Town Council as Tuesday 15th December 2020 at 7pm. Location and meeting format to be confirmed subject to Covid-19 restrictions and considerations.

Meeting closed at 20:57

Chair Cllr B Minshall
Clerk P Turner

Meeting documents

2. Crewe TC Minutes 29.09.2020

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