Planning Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd June 2020
This meeting took place on the Zoom platform due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Members of the public were permitted to join the meeting on request.
Present: Councillors Angier, Dunlop, Hogben, Houston, John Rhodes and Straine-Francis.
In attendance: Councillors Faddes and Rob Mackenzie (Deputy Town Clerk) and Jackie Dow (Support Officer).
Pln 20/1/01 To receive apologies for absence.
No apologies were received.
Pln 20/1/02 To note declarations of Members’ interests.
No declarations were made.
Pln 20/1/03 To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 11th February 2020
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for signing as an accurate record.
Pln 20/1/04 Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
There were no questions or statements made.
Pln 20/1/05 To consider making a response to the following planning application:
• 20/1871N Proposed five 2-bed and two 3-bed residential development AFFORD RENT A CAR, WISTASTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7RB
Members resolved to comment as follows:
The principle of development on the site is acceptable to Crewe Town Council subject to a survey of potential ground contamination. The details of this scheme need to be amended to provide parking in compliance with the Cheshire East Council Local Plan Strategy parking standards 12 spaces per 2 bed dwelling) given that there are already problems with insufficient on-street parking for existing residents. Plans showing levels and sections to enable assessment of the relationship between the proposed dwellings and neighbouring property, are also required
• 20/1906N Variation of condition 2 on application 17/3641N – Demolition of garage lock ups and change of use of land from commercial to domestic to develop 5 No.3 bedroom semi & detached houses. Land at, WALTHALL STREET, CREWE
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council has no objection subject to the requirements of the landscape officer for the protection of existing trees being satisfied.
Provision for wildlife should be made in the development to encourage biodiversity in accordance with NPPF para 175 (d) and Policy Env 2 of the Publication Draft SADPD for example hedgehog friendly fences, hedges, inclusion of swift, bee and bat bricks, and planting of native species.
• 20/1923N Variation of condition 2 on application17/5391N – Proposed single retail unit to be split back into 2no. retail units. Proposed change of use to allow 5no. apartments to part of the ground floor and entire first floor. 15, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7HJ
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council objects to this proposal for the following reasons:
1. There is no outside amenity space for residents
2. The scheme fails to provide off-street parking. On-street parking in this area is restricted.
3. The layout fails to meet nationally described space standards.
• 20/1941N Change of use A3 (Cafe) into one ground floor apartment (C3) (Resubmission of 19/4628N) 22, GAINSBOROUGH ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7PH
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council considers that his application is an improvement on previous proposals, but before any approval is issued, the applicant should be required to submit details of the bin storage referred to on the application form. Such storage must be adequately screened from public view to avoid detrimental impact on the streetscene.
• 20/2012N Retrospective application for the change of use of the property to a House in Multiple Occupation for up to 8 occupants and associated amenity, bin and cycle storage arrangements 90, MILL STREET, CREWE, CW2 7AR
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council notes that the applicant states that an HMO licence has been granted for 8 occupants. The Town Council has regularly expressed concerns about the impact of the proliferation of HMOs on the local community, and has concerns about the enforceability of the occupancy conditions of the HMO licence.
• 20/2025N Conversion and extension of a disused pub as well as the creation of 5no. one bed self-contained supported living apartments, together with associated open space and car parking. This scheme will provide a total of 13 units under class C3(b) – supported housing for people with disabilities or mental health problems. BRUNEL ARMS, 156, WEST STREET, CREWE, CW1 3HG
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council welcomes the scheme in principle but is concerned that some residents with physical disabilities may have mobility scooters or cars and question whether there is adequate parking provision.
• 20/2129N High level sign to front elevation, loading bay sign to rear, panel to existing totem pole together with vinyl graphics to internal face of shopfront/doors ALDI, 11, GRAND JUNCTION WAY, CREWE, Crewe, CW1 2RP
Members resolved to make no comment
• 20/2132N The installation of a new shopfront complete with bi-parting entrance doors and infill extension 11, GRAND JUNCTION WAY, CREWE, CW1 2RP
Members resolved to make no comment
• 20/2317N Replacement of Beechmere Extra Care Facility building comprising 132 apartments with associated landscaping and reuse of existing car parking and site accesses. BEECHMERE, ROLLS AVENUE, CREWE
Members resolved to comment as follows:
Crewe Town Council welcomes the proposal and looks forward to the early completion of the project. In view of the tragic past history we welcome the proposed incorporation of a sprinkler system in the re-build and that it will be of traditional masonry construction. We would like assurance that all possible fire prevention measures have been incorporated, including closing off the roof voids, and that any lessons learned from the fire investigation will be applied.
Charging points for electric vehicles should be provided.
Pln 20/1/06 To consider making responses to any urgent planning application consultations that have arisen since this agenda was published.
No urgent applications have arisen
Pln 20/1/07 To consider a pre-application consultation for Proposed Telecommunications equipment on Edelston Road Crewe CW2 7EF (previously circulated) comprising a 20m monopole mast and associated cabinets
It was resolved to respond to the consultation as follows:
1) Given the size and scale of the proposed installation and the location on a key approach road to the town centre the proposal will have an adverse impact on visual amenity and will be contrary to Policy LPS1 of the Local Plan Strategy and Policy Gen 1 of the Local Plan Site Allocations and Development Policies Document.
2) The installation will create anunacceptable obstruction on a busy section of pavement. Of itself this would be unacceptable, but under present restrictions will also prejudice the ability of pedestrians to socially distance.
The developer is asked to look for an alternative site, and the Town Council is willing to assist in identifying a suitable location such as Oak Street Car Park
Pln 20/1/08 To note responses submitted under delegation since the previous meeting:
Members noted the submission of the response to the following application as set out in italics:
• 20/0829N Construction of a three storey block of eight one-bedroom apartments and associated parking and access arrangements LAND ADJACENT TO 205, EDLESTON ROAD, CREWE
Crewe Town Council supports the principle of residential development on this site. However, it objects to the current proposals for the following reasons:
1. The design is not sufficiently in keeping with the area. Whilst some effort has been made with the blue brick detailing and roof pitch, the elevation to Edleston Road in particular has a bland, 2-dimensional appearance which contrast poorly with the surrounding buildings, and the locally listed Temple Chambers. The brickwork banding and the windows give a horizontal proportion, whilst the surrounding buildings are very definitely vertically proportioned. The roof line to Edleston Road would benefit from some gable detail and chimneys. It is therefore contrary to the design policies of the Local Plan Strategy Policy SE1 (i) and (ii), SADPD (GEN 1 and HER1) Crewe and Nantwich Borough Local Plan (BE2).
2. There is insufficient parking with only 4 spaces provided for 8 flats, contrary to the parking standards in the Local Plan Strategy. There is a shortage of on street parking in the area due to parking restrictions.
• 20/0750N Change of use from dwelling (C3) to 8 bedrooms HMO (Sui Generis) 212, WISTASTON ROAD, CREWE, CW2 7RJ
Crewe Town Council objects to this application for the following reasons;
1. It is proposed to increase the occupancy of the building from one family to 8 single person households. There is no off-street parking provision, and on street parking is extremely limited by double yellow lines and is already oversubscribed.
2. It is likely to result in the storage of multiple bins in the front garden of the property. Although the plans show bin store to the rear, there is no obvious route for them to be put out for collection. The photograph in the design and access statement shows that bins are currently stored in the front of the property. Increasing the number of occupants will increase the number of bins stored in this way. Storage of the bins in the front garden will be visible from the street. It would be contrary to Policies SE1 of the Local Plan Strategy; Gen 1 (12) of the emerging Site Allocations and Development Policies Document; and BE1 of the Crewe and Nantwich Local Plan.
• 20/0971N Extension of existing residential properties to form residential development of four flats Land adj 38 & 40, ARDERNE AVENUE, CREWE
Crewe Town Council objects to this proposal because there is insufficient parking. In a previous refusal on the site the Highways Officer commented that car ownership in apartments in Crewe is lower. If this advice is based on 2011 Census data it is likely to be out of date. In any event there is a wide variety of apartments and flats in Crewe. These are much more likely to be occupied by car owners. The other phases of the development provide 2 spaces per apartment, and it is reasonable to expect this development to provide the same to comply with the standards in the Local Plan Strategy.
• 20/1032N Outline application for proposed bungalow in rear garden 24, MARLEY AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 3SN
Crewe Town Council considers that this proposal is overdevelopment which will compromise the amenities of future residents of both the new dwelling and 24 Marley Avenue. The submitted site plan does not accurately show the outline of 24 Marley Road which had a modern rear extension along the Ryebank Avenue elevation. It is therefore hard to determine whether the proposal will be able to achieve the necessary separation distances to protect the amenity of residents, or whether it will provide the minimum required useable private amenity space for both dwellings.
• 20/1642N Change of use and rear loft dormer extension to convert existing C3 dwelling into 8 bedroom HMO (Sui Generis) 18 , HEATHFIELD AVENUE, CREWE, CW1 3BA
Crewe Town Council objects to this application because of the absence of off-street parking provision. On street parking in this and neighbouring streets is congested, with no available spaces at certain times. This is illustrated by photographs which local residents have submitted in response to the application. The number of additional residents resulting from 7 two person rooms and one single person room will put further pressure on parking with impact on road safety and the amenity of other residents.
• 20/1872N The construction of 25 dwellings; provision of associated access, drainage and hard and soft landscaping; and other associated works COPPENHALL EAST, BROAD STREET, CREWE.
Crewe Town Council is disappointed that the promised community facilities will not be available on the estate. The Town Council objects to the inadequate affordable housing provision within the application and supports the comments of the Development Officer Strategic Housing with regard to the shortfall in the amount of affordable housing proposed, the inappropriate mix, and the failure to “pepper pot” the provision across the development.
• 20/1988N and 20/1989N Erect a single-storey fast food drive-thru building and other associated works, including internally illuminated advertisements, CORNER OF WEST STREET & VERNON WAY, CREWE, CW1 2NG.
Crewe Town Council welcomes the additional investment in the Town Centre, and the opportunity to create an interesting active frontage to this important site at the corner of two main routes through the town. However, the details submitted do not satisfy the site specific principles set out in Policy LPS1 of the Local Plan Strategy, and as such the Town Council objects to the detail of the currently submitted plans for the following reasons:
i. The design of the building fails to meet requirement ‘d’ of LPS1 that buildings should be of high design quality. This is a prominent site and the building is highly visible from 3 sides. The building as a whole is a standard corporate design which pays no respect to local vernacular or heritage. It presents a particularly grim elevation to Vernon Way. The Town Council has no issue with corporate branding, but the building design and quality of material on this prominent corner site must be improved.
ii. There is a complete absence of soft landscaping within the site. LPS1 e requires the provision of green infrastructure. Whilst the site is bounded on two sides by existing landscaping, additional planting, including trees, within the site is required to soften its appearance.
iii. There are no obvious safe pedestrian or cycle linkages from the site, with its 68 cover restaurant to the rest of the Market Centre, or to West Street. The development therefore fails to comply with LPS1e and g. It is important that this development is integrated into the town centre, to support footfall in the town centre.
In addition to the concerns above, this type of development can unfortunately lead to increased litter in the surrounding areas. The existing landscaping on West Street and Vernon Way already traps substantial amounts of litter which is hard to remove. The plans propose only 2 litter bins within the red line area. More bins are required, and the applicant should be asked to submit a litter management plan to show how litter both on and off-site will be minimised. Contributions to replacement landscaping which is easier to manage would be welcomed.
Pln 20/1/09 To note the date of the next meeting 21st July 2020
Members noted the date of the next meeting.
Meeting closed: 21.00 p.m.
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