Allotment Update


Please see the joint statement issued by the Crewe Town Allotment Federation and Town Council Leader Kevin Hickson.

“The Crewe Town Allotment Federation and the Town Council welcome the statements of support from those allotment sites in Crewe who have already expressed their long term commitment to the Federation. They are already seeing the benefits of being in a larger entity which can make best use of the considerable investment that the Town Council has committed. Being part of a Federation allows pooling of resources to purchase expensive equipment, share best practice and learn from each other.

The Town Council has said it wants to have the best allotments in the North West and the Federation is starting to turn that into reality. The Federation is a democratic institution, run by the allotments themselves and we encourage any allotment holder who wants to know more to get in touch.”

Visit the Federation website.

Expressions of Support

Claughton Avenue Site
Speaking for myself, I don’t know how the Claughton Avenue allotment could have continued without the impetus and support of the Federation and I do think I speak for our committee when I say that we whole heartily support your very selfless efforts in getting us “up and running”. This has been quite a learning curve for all concerned and without your intervention I think we may still be chasing our tails. You have my full support.

Chair (Claughton Ave)

I like being in the Federation and believe all of my committee colleagues feel the same way.

Secretary (Claughton Ave)

Alton Street Allotment Site
I want to say that you have the full support of Alton Street Allotments we are more than happy to belong to the Federation, the things you have achieved since you took over are amazing. Anything we can do to help please let us know.

Site Warden

Manor Way Allotment Site
I have discussed this matter with the plot holders of the Manor Way site and I know that all tenants fully support the concept and decisions of the Federation, and confirm that Manor Way allotment Association would wish to remain as a member and be part of the Federation.

Chairman (Manor Way)
Brookhouse Allotment Site

On behalf of my tenants I wholly support the decision and management styles of the Federation. I firmly stand by the decision made at our last Federation meeting that we will be happy to remain a part of the federation.

Chair (Brookhouse)

Hungerford Road Allotment Site

The Federation have done nothing but help all our sites in this very stressful first year. If I can help in anyway please let me know. Thanks again for all the Federations help.

Site Treasurer (Hungerford Road)

The Committee on Hungerford road are fully behind the Federation and wish it to continue, and are happy what they have done for us.

Secretary (Hungerford Road)

Henry Street Allotment Site

Without exception plot holders I have spoken to are 100% behind the Federation and Crewe Town Council. The system works well, we have liaison with key personnel at Crewe Town Council and thanks to their efforts we have all enjoyed the benefits as members of the Federation.

Secretary (Henry Street)

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A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
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T: (01270) 756975
E: [email protected]