Traction Crewe

WP_20160710_11_11_10_Pro WP_20160710_11_13_07_Pro WP_20160710_11_27_24_ProTraction Crewe took place over the weekend on 9th and 10th of July and despite some terrible weather on Saturday morning the event was a tremendous success. Events took place at a range of venues across the Town Centre and at the Heritage Centre. Young people enjoyed a variety of workshops at a range of venues. Attendance exceeded expectations and all the young people seemed to have had a tremendous time.

Crewe’s own Whitby Morrison provided an open air ice cream van museum, Noisy Toys entertained folk in Victoria Square, Wheels in Motion provided some fun activities on Market Square including a go-kart race track. Live performances took place from the Coop Woodwind Band and from Dirty Clide.

A range of community and commercial organisations were actively involved including Crewe Can, the St Paul’s Centre, the UTC South Cheshire College, Police, Fire, the Red Cross, Virgin Trains, Mornflake, MMU, Bentley, Mums in the Know, Cheshire East, Crewe Transport Festival, The Bulb, Crewe Lyceum Theatre and Everybody Leisure.

The Council wishes to thank all those involved for their support in staging the event and also to thank the people of Crewe for turning out in force over the weekend.

For those who were not able to attend the event or those who want a reminder of the fun, images can be found all over the web using #trActioncrewe or #GearUp. However, a selection of video highlights are also available below, which was your favourite?

The Giant Loo Roll

Big Bike revival

Noisy Toys

Coop Wind Band

Wheels in motion



Car work shop

Ice cream vans

If you have any feedback on the event then please contact the Town Council and we will use that to help the planning for Traction Crewe Two!

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Our Location
A: Crewe Town Council Office, 
1 Chantry Court, Forge Street, 
Crewe, CW1 2DL
Contact Us
T: (01270) 756975
E: [email protected]